Manual locks and dumb thermostats are old technology in our internet-connected world. With a Wi-Fi connection and an hour of free time, you can put home security and climate controls onlineand give your home a brain.

A Wi-Fi-enabled home security system and power monitor. It shows you who's snooping about your abode, and which devices are slurping the most juice.

Homeowners who need safety, efficiency, and want to fortify the house during the holidays.

Being built by Lowe's, the Iris system is designed for DIY installation and monitoring. The thermostat is a touchscreen, and the components are made of brilliant white, high-density plastic, with large, easy-to-read buttons.

Installation is surprisingly easy. Components attach to walls and ceilings with included adhesive tape. The control panel requires driving two screws to hold its base plate, and the thermostat requires you to transfer wires from the old unit to the new one.

Arriving to a pre-warmed home that still contains all of your belongings.

The control panel runs on six AA batteries, which is great because intruders can't cut the power to your place and take the alarm offline. Problem is, as soon as those batteries run down, the system turns offlike, completely. No warning and no notice. It's odd for a system that otherwise regularly texts you updates.

You've got to be especially careful when installing the two-piece door/window sensors. If they're not practically kissing when the portal is closed, they'll prevent the alarm from arming. They seem to work best on sliding windows and doors rather than hinged ones.

Yes. $300 is a fair price to pay for peace of mind. It's a lot cheaper than ADT service, and it's more robust than a basic thermostat. What's more, it allows you to precisely track and adjust virtually every aspect of your home's function and consumption, which should help you stop wasting money on energy this winter.

Connectivity: Wi-Fi, ZigBee, Z-Wave Price: $300 Smart Kit, $180 Comfort and Control, $180 Safe and Secure Gizrank: 3.5 Stars

More here:
Iris Home Energy and Security Monitor Review: Your House, Safer and Smarter

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November 28, 2012 at 1:02 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Home Security