The moment you buy a home and start its restoration, you realize how cheap and easy it is to own and operate a car. So why not just forgo the whole house thing and get a car instead?


I'm sure a lot of you are thinking that if you're buying a car instead of a house, you should get some kind of all-terrain conversion van. Reader bpromersberger has a better idea, and it's all about a Zonda.

If you have one chances are you'll be making lots of friends, friends that might let you crash at their place if you take them out for a drive. Essentially couch surfing in the most debonair of sorts.

Suggested By: bpromsberger, Photo Credit: Pagani


Some of you pointed out how easy it is to sleep in any five-door hatchback. But why settle for any old Mazda 626 when you could have a leather-lined, supercharged musclewagon?

Suggested By: willkinton247, Photo Credit: Cadillac


Excerpt from:
Ten Cars You Should Buy Instead Of A House

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June 12, 2014 at 2:55 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Home Restoration