Aina Momona News Release

Aloha Molokai, we are Aina Momona, a Native Hawaiian nonprofit organization founded for the purpose of achieving environmental health and sustainability through restoring social justice and Hawaiian sovereignty. Our team of kiai are committed to restoring Molokai Aina Momona.

We are advised by a board of exceptional Native Hawaiians who work in concert with our staff on the ground. Our board members include Dr. Jon Osorio, Dr. Trisha Kehaulani Watson, and Molokais own, Dr. Keoni Kauwe, among others. Dr. Kauwe is a graduate of Molokai High and Intermediate (96) and recently became the eleventh president of Brigham Young University Hawaii and the first of Native Hawaiian descent. Together, our board provides cultural and scholarly expertise to guide and inform our efforts at our land base in the ahupuaa of Kaamola, Molokai.

Though Aina Momona is relatively new to Kaamola, our staff have a longstanding commitment to this ahupuaa. After restoring three other fishponds on the island, our kiai loko (fishpond protectors) began restoring Keawanui Fishpond in 2001. In addition to working on the fishpond, they also carried on the legacy of offering place-based education on site. Our kiai have been working in the Kaamola area for over 20 years.

Aina Momona values the lessons learned from the work done here in the past and honors that dedication by continuing restoration and education efforts. It is our goal to revitalize the Keawanui area and wider Kaamola ahupuaa as a key local food production site for Molokai through restoring traditional food systems.

If you have recently driven by Keawanui Fishpond, you may have noticed the removal of invasive kiawe trees which have been replaced with taro patches and ulu trees. This is the beginning of a native food forest we are growing on site. Likewise, we are refamiliarizing ourselves with the landscape up mauka and working with indigenous researchers to document the changes in the landscape that have occurred over time.

As we collaborate with the current lessees to plan restoration work in the mauka area, we aim to continue our efforts inland of Keawanui. Ultimately, our team hopes to create a scalable model for community-led land restoration and food production. In addition to restoration work, we have also established ROOTed, an on-site home school program. ROOTed provides core subject curriculum appropriate for the individual childs learning level, ongoing parent support, and aina-based learning opportunities that focus on environmental stewardship, gardening, health and wellness, and community service.

We look forward to keeping our Molokai community updated and involved in our work, so keep an eye out for more articles to come! For more information, please visit and sign up for our monthly newsletter.

See the original post here:
Nonprofit Works to Restore 'Aina | The Molokai Dispatch - Molokai Dispatch

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