The beginning of each year brings with it the opportunity to make new resolutions. Many people are opting to avoid the traditional New Year’s resolutions; nevertheless, they are making resolutions that relate to the improvement of their homes. Unlike the traditional resolutions, people understand that they have a good chance of upholding home improvement resolutions. For most homeowners, New Year’s home improvement resolutions can be broken down into three categories: small jobs, medium jobs, and large jobs.

Most people do not have any trouble completing the small jobs that are part of their New Year’s resolutions. One small job will include making a home more energy efficient. Energy efficiency does not have to include replacing doors and windows, but it may include replacing traditional light bulbs with energy-saving light bulbs. Although the energy-saving light bulbs may cost more, they will save a homeowner hundreds of dollars throughout the year.


After the small jobs, people may try to complete the medium jobs. Sealing the cracks of doors and windows is a medium job, and it will also make the home more energy-efficient. Since cold and hot air can slip through cracks, it is important to seal the cracks to lower the home’s energy bill. Also, the beginning of the year is a great time to have the home’s heating unit serviced. This is considered a medium job because it will come with an expense. However, it is better to pay for the service rather than dealing with a broken heating unit. A final medium job will include adding a new coat of paint to a dull room. In NY real estate, potential homebuyers flock to homes that have a fresh coat of paint in the rooms. Homebuyers enjoy knowing that they will
not have to paint when they move into the home.

The final type of job will be considered the large jobs. The large jobs are the ones that will take a considerable amount of time or will cost a lot of money. One of the main large jobs is adding new insulation into the home. This will be very time-consuming; however, it will lead to huge savings in the home’s energy bills.

Many people desire to make New Year’s resolutions; however, resolutions that involve home improvement are the ones that most people will keep.

This information was written by Ken Torrino, web relations for Elliman, brokers for New York City real estate.

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January 22, 2013 at 8:27 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Home Restoration