Its important to understand that a heating and cooling system is much more than a noise-making, expensive box that attempts to make you comfortable while sucking up your hard earned money. While manufacturers have made unbelievable strides in creating more efficient equipment, they have failed to educate the installing contractors that the equipment is only as efficient as their knowledge.

Homeowners expect heating and air conditioning contractors to have the training and knowledge to deliver the Energy Efficiency rating of the heating and cooling system they spent their hard-earned money on. Whats sad for homeowners is that the majority of contractors simply dont know how to provide this service. Sadder yet, many simply dont care!

Theres an old saying in our industry, The most important day in the life of your heating and cooling system is the day its installed.

Theyre known in our industry as Box Swappers and its because they install a heating and cooling system by taking it out of a box, sitting it in place, and plugging it in! But, just like a car, a heating and cooling system can be providing you with warm and cool air and not providing you with the best mile per gallon, so to speak.

Consumer Protection Division states: Most homeowners are simply not getting the efficiency from high efficiency equipment.

A recent study clearly shows that homeowners in the Reno/Sparks area are receiving just 43% of the heating and cooling rated BTUs because the Box Swappers fail to invest in specialized tools, instruments and stay on top of the industry by advancing their knowledge on BTU delivery.

Of the 85,000 heating and air conditioning contractors across the USA, Nevada Home Energy Experts represents less than 5% who have invested in the most advanced state-of-the-art, electronic instruments, and spent hundreds of hours in both classroom and field training to gain the necessary knowledge and certificates (see sidebar) to understand the science of BTU delivery.

With our advanced knowledge were able to install a heating and cooling systemand have the equipment deliver 90 to 100% of the rated BTUs. This represents a significant improvement when other companies are delivering just 43%.

But thats just the tip of the iceberg!!! With our advanced state-of-the-art, electronic instruments we can identify unseen imperfect conditions that may cause problem areas (Rooms Too Hot or Too Cold) in your home. Then provide you with written solutions so you can make a truly informed decision on any actions you might want us to take.

See original here:
Reno Air Conditioning Repair Contractors | Installing Best ...

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December 21, 2014 at 4:16 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Heating and Cooling Repair