NEW BLOOMFIELD, Mo. As a current employee and graduate of the New Bloomfield R-3 School District, Brenda Maddox knows first hand how badly the district needs certain facility repairs.

I work at the school and I know some of the problems with the heating and cooling system were having, Maddox said. We had to bring in our own personal heaters to heat our classrooms. I know the heating system definitely needs to be repaired. The guys have done a wonderful job of basically putting band-aid fixes, but thats not going to help in the long run. Its going to cost more and more each year with these little fixes.

Maddox works in the district as a teachers aid. She said cold weather this winter prevented the districts maintenance employees from being able to repair the heating system.

Seeing these problems and feeling invested in the community are what led Maddox to volunteer as the president of the New Bloomfield Proposition KIDS (Keep Improving District Schools) election committee. The group will work to educate community members about the $2 million no-tax increase bond issue on Aprils ballot. If passed, the bond issue will fund facility repairs. The committee will promote the bond issue from now until election day.

Meeting for the first time this week, the committee elected leadership and discussed ways disseminate information to New Bloomfield voters. It also dedicated time to educating committee members making them experts on the bond issue and how funds will be used if approved.

The committee members will be looked upon for answers within the community, district superintendent David Tramel said. They are going to be our point people for this. We spent some time explaining to them the concept that yes, we are going to be borrowing money or selling bonds to finance the project, but it would not have an effect on our tax rate.

If voters approve the bond issue, it will fund the replacement of HVAC units and make major parking lot repairs. Maddox said the parking lot has a lot of pot holes that need repair. The bond issue, if approved, could also fund some additional facility repairs in the district, should money allow.

We would like to get as many people in the community involved in this project, Maddox said.

Tramel said about eight or 10 people came to the first meeting and started getting information ready to use on social media. They also discussed community groups to visit.

The election committee will meet again at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday in the community room of the districts central office building. Maddox said anyone interested in joining the committee and volunteering their time is welcome to attend.

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New Bloomfield school panel takes first steps

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February 27, 2015 at 9:11 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Heating and Cooling Repair