NEW BLOOMFIELD, Mo. -- The New Bloomfield R-3 Board of Education voted 6-0 to put a $2 million no-tax-increase bond issue on the spring ballot to fund facility repairs.

The board has discussed a potential bond issue to fund repairs for several months. The top two items on facility repair list are replacing the districts HVAC units and repairing and replacing the districts parking lots. Superintendent David Tramel said both of those items can be costly.

The district sets aside money for repairs each year and works on projects during the summer. Tramel previously told the board that in a normal summer, the district spends between $50,000 and $125,000 on projects. However, the cost of these items is projected at much more than the districts summer repair budget allows.

At a board work session last week, Tramel told the board that projected costs for repairing parking lots district-wide are between $850,000 and $950,000 and estimated costs for replacing heating and cooling units is between $750,000 and $850,000.

The bond issue would fund these two projects. However, if funds are left after those projects are complete, the bond issue would allow the district to complete some other less expensive repairs as well.

The board discussed what those other repairs may be, if funds allowed, at a work session last week. Some other items on Tramel and district administrations wish list were roofing repairs, tuck pointing and sealing, replacing some entry doors, a new district-wide bell and intercom system, a classroom for health and weightlifting, funds to be put toward a greenhouse, remodeling elementary bathrooms and motorizing bleachers. The board added technology upgrades to the wish list as well.

The next step, Tramel told the board, is to form a campaign committee, which he said has until mid-February to register with the Ethics Commission. And, the board will also need to start looking at an architect or someone to manage the project, if the community votes in favor of the bond issue. Election day is April 7.

"Shall the Board of Education of the New Bloomfield R-III School District of Callaway County, Missouri, without an estimated increase in the current debt service property tax levy, borrow money in the amount of two million dollars ($2,000,000) for the purpose of providing funds to complete heating, ventilation and air conditioning system upgrades; to complete parking lot improvements; to complete additional repairs and renovations to the existing facilities of the district; and issue bonds for the payment thereof? If this proposition is approved, the adjusted debt service levy of the school district is estimated to remain unchanged at $1.3452 per on hundred dollars of assessed valuation of real and personal property."

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New Bloomfield board votes to put $2 million bond issue on ballot

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January 17, 2015 at 9:14 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Heating and Cooling Repair