Dear Editor: Here are my ideas for Mary Burke's "Blueprint for Wisconsin":

1. Voting rights for everyone: easy access and no long lines; any document showing name and address acceptable to vote; expanded hours and days for voting; expanded simple absentee voting including online possibilities.

2. Clean renewable energy: an aggressive long-term plan for Wisconsin; additional state support for the Focus on Energy program; tax incentives for individuals and businesses utilizing renewable energy; rewards for energy efficiency in home heating and cooling and autos.

3. Education, education, education: increased state support at all age levels for public education; state-supported teacher training and recognition programs; additional state support for aging school infrastructure; state support for student loans and adult education programs.

4. High-speed broadband access for everyone within five years: an aggressive plan to provide access, including in rural areas.

5. Nonpartisan legislative districts that are community-focused:districts should be established by a nonpartisan body, as is done in Iowa.

6. Minimum wage increase: aliving wage that provides cost-of-living increases; consider a graduated minimum wage based on age.

7. Local road repair and transit support: greater state funding from increased fuel taxes yes, it's timetime to increase the user fee for our roads and public transit programs; additional state funds for local road maintenance and local transit systems, not superhighways.

Gerald Koerner


See the original post:
Gerald Koerner: What Mary Burke's agenda should be

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Category: Heating and Cooling Repair