While it seems this winter is never-ending, the snow has to stop sometime. And then it will be time toput away the snowblower. But to extend its life and help ensure that it will start next season, a few maintenance steps are in order.

Here are eight tips fromRepairClinic.com, an online store for replacement parts for home appliances, outdoor power equipment, and heating and cooling equipment.

1. Replace the spark plug.

The tiny but mighty spark plug should be replaced at least once per season, even if it appears to be working fine. Over time, a spark plugs performance will degrade due to carbon buildup and a weakened electrode. This dramatically increases emissions, reduces engine performance and increases fuel consumption.

2. Drain and replace the oil.

Before replacing engine oil, check your owners manual for the recommended way to tilt the snowblower. It varies from model to model. Unscrew the drain plug and release the oil into a bucket. Replace the plug and add fresh oil, as recommended by the manufacturer.

Used oil should be recycled. Most small engine repair shops have a free recycling program for this.

3. Add fuel stabilizer to fresh fuel.

Fuel stabilizer slows buildup in the carburetor. Follow the owners manual for instructions on leaving fuel in the engine during storage, as this varies by manufacturer.

If you drain the fuel, then you will need to put in fresh next winter. Some people have gotten into the habit of draining the fuel because, in some models, the gaskets in thecarburetor would be eaten away over the summer if the fuel was left in. Then the gaskets would have to bereplaced.

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8 tips to get snowblowers ready for storage

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March 30, 2014 at 12:11 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Heating and Cooling Repair