There are several city street and parking lot projects that may be included in next years budget.

Union Public Works Director Harold Lampkin said there typically is $400,000 budgeted for overlay work. He said that bids may be sought in July.

Included in this years overlay projects are four city parking lots, including the city hall lot, police department lot, a lot at Locust and Mulberry streets and the Jaycees Fairgrounds driveway.

Following are the asphalt overlay projects that are pending board approval. The budget is expected to be approved next month:

Grandview Avenue from Washington Avenue to Church Street;

Franklin Avenue from Union Avenue to Church Street;

Reinhard Boulevard from State Street to West End Avenue;

Reinhard Boulevard from West End Avenue to College Avenue;

College Avenue from Delmar Avenue to Christina Avenue;

Delmar Avenue from Main Street to State Street;

Here is the original post:
Works Director Proposes Street Projects

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May 4, 2014 at 2:13 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Gutter Installation