The City of Pismo Beach has an ample water supply; however, in response to the Governors declaration of a Drought State of Emergency for the State of California, the Pismo Beach City Council voted to declare Moderately Restricted Water Supply Conditions with modified restrictions.

The following restrictions are now in effect: Use of water which results in excessive gutter runoff is prohibited. Outdoor water use for washing vehicles, boats, buildings or other similar uses shall be attended and have hand-controlled watering devices, typically including spring-loaded shutoff nozzles. No water shall be used for cleaning driveways, patios, parking lots, sidewalks, streets, or other such uses except by the City contracted street sweeper, or as found necessary by the city to protect the public health or safety. Outdoor Irrigation. Outdoor irrigation is prohibited between the hours of ten a.m. and four p.m.; All customers are directed to use no more water than necessary to maintain landscaping. Restaurants shall serve drinking water only in response to a specific request by a customer. Use of potable water for compaction or dust control purposes in construction activities is prohibited. (Ord. 90-10 2 (part), 1990: prior code 13.06.040)

Further information can be obtained by calling the Public Works Department at (805) 773-4656.

See the original post:
Restricted Water Supply Conditions in Pismo Beach

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February 8, 2014 at 8:14 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Gutter Cleaning