Bill Ryan/The Gazette

Montgomery County Park and Planning maintains the baseball and softball fields at James H. Blake High School in Silver Spring, site of this American Legion game between Cissel Saxon (Lawrence Johnson) and Wheaton (Zeke Green) on July 1. Most public high schools, however, must maintain their athletic fields themselves.

At most Montgomery County public high schools, coaches and athletic directors put in a lot of individual time and effort to keep athletic fields not only playable, but in excellent condition.

Take for instance Germantowns Seneca Valley High School, an athletics program that has enjoyed a lot of success, winning more state football championships than any other school in Maryland.

According to Athletic Director Jesse Irvin, he and the coaches mow the grass and line the fields themselves. The football field at Seneca Valley consists of Bermuda grass, which is supplied by a private outside landscaping company, the Brickman Group. But once the sod is put down, it is up to Irvin and his coaches to maintain the field.

Were not a school with a contract, Irvin said. The county doesnt maintain our fields.

Despite the hard work and time commitment, Irvin believes having control over his own fields helps the school in the long run.

It gives us an advantage, he said. I believe we have one of the nicest grass fields in the county, and our kids love playing on it.

Although the county does not help maintain Seneca Valleys fields, the Montgomery County Public School system does provide some financial aid.

High schools, for the most part, provide for the maintenance for their athletic fields, Dr. William Duke Beattie, Montgomery Countys director of system-wide athletics, said in an email to The Gazette. ...The school system periodically foots the bill for resurfacing a high school stadium field, doing about one school per year. The school system also takes care of resurfacing tracks and tennis courts.

See more here:
Some schools benefit from county facilities -- Gazette.Net

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August 14, 2014 at 9:58 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Grass Sod