Charlie's Plant to Ponder: Aztec Grass

A variegated form of "Evergreen Giant" Liriope, Aztec grass is a knee-high, evergreen perennial that's suitable for sun or moderate shade on well-drained sites. Propagate by dividing clumps.

Zephyr lilies, also called fairy lilies and rain lilies, are small perennial bulb plants that display pink, white or yellow flowers off-and-on. Although their star-shaped blossoms are most common in the warm season especially after a heavy summer rain flowers can appear at any time. Three species, of which the lovely white-flowered atamasco lily is the most cultivated, are native to Florida, while others of these grassy-leaved plants come from South and Central America. They thrive on moist sites in sun or light shade but adapt well to our seasonal wet/dry cycle.

Zephyr lilies, which perform admirably in containers, are self-seeding when conditions are favorable. Individual flowers last only two or three days, but since fresh blossoms soon pop up to take their place, it's not a significant concern. Bulbs of five Zephyranthes species are available by visiting or calling 877-661-2852 toll-free.


Turf grasses have numerous problems, including chinch bugs and fungal diseases, but the biggest problem lawns face is poor maintenance. Homeowners, for example, are often guilty of mowing with dull blades that tear rather than cut the grass, resulting in jagged, slow-healing wounds that are vulnerable to fungi. And misguided gardeners often "scalp" lawns by cutting too low, a mistake that exposes rhizomes to the sun, stresses the grass and allows weeds to grow freely. The outcome of this mistreatment is tattered-looking lawns. Unfortunately, most folks respond by applying pesticides, fungicides and extra fertilizer while continuing to mow too low with dull blades.

Here are a few tips regarding turf maintenance: Mow regularly with very sharp blades set high, never cutting off more than one-third of the grass' height. Allow clippings to remain on the lawn so they can return nutrients to the turf while improving the soil's ability to hold moisture and nutrients. This means less fertilizer will be required and that the lawn will tolerate dry conditions longer. Finally, it's a good idea to vary the mowing pattern instead of adhering to a fixed route.


Wandering Jew, a low-growing, shade-loving groundcover, has been used in the Deep South for generations. Also popular as a houseplant, wandering Jew (Tradescantia zebrina) thrives in moderate-to-deep shade and spreads rapidly on average sites, where it forms mat-like carpets of foliage. The attractively variegated leaves of this Tropical American species range from silver-and-green to a mix of purple shades.

Wandering Jew is ideal for landscaping difficult areas where few plants survive: Among the tangle of roots at the base of old trees; on steep, shady slopes; and in very deep shade. Though it's not perfect wandering Jew won't tolerate foot traffic, and it's temporarily damaged by frosts and freezes no plant is propagated more easily. Stems stuck into suitable sites during the rainy season quickly take root and begin to spread.

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Weekend Plantings: Zephyr Lilies, Turf Tips, Colorful Groundcover

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March 28, 2014 at 3:05 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Grass Seeding