Water feature - Marine Hall Gardens
Marine Hall Gardens is a Sea Change project in Fleetwood, Lancashire. Client, Wyre BC are working with BCA Landscape and William Pye to deliver a space for performance and perambling. The water feature was tested on this very windy day - much to our excitement! Work continues... Large pre-cast sections of the performance area reflect the original art-deco style of the Marine Hall, which was built in the 1930s in the fashion of the time. And in the floors of those areas, close by public seating, will be bronze inserts with the themes Sea and Sky -- reflecting the culture and community of Fleetwood. Words and sayings cast into the bronze are all based on ideas from the public and the designs were drawn up after public consultations held by designers BCA Landscape. References include the Cod Army and magic words spoken by a seafront fortune teller in the 1950s. The platform will look out over a grassed amphitheatre and, beyond that, an open fountain where many will be tempted to dodge the water. The Gardens are due to open at the end of January with planting and grass seeding work taking place in Spring. http://www.bcalandscape.co.ukFrom:torrolocosgrannyViews:127 0ratingsTime:00:15More inPeople Blogs

Water feature - Marine Hall Gardens - Video

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November 2, 2012 at 12:19 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Grass Seeding