Boston, MA (PRWEB) June 02, 2014

Every dad takes pride in a great looking lawn, so why not make dad happy this Fathers Day with the gift of premium grass seed from Pearls Premium that is sure to give pops the greenest lawn hes ever had. Something else that all dads love? Saving money and with Pearls Premiums special 10 percent Fathers Day discount code dad will be even more happy to know his green grass was on sale!

Across the country customers are raving about the greatness of Pearls Premium. Homeowner Cynthia Y. She says, "It was easy to do! I love the low maintenance of it all, because I now cut the grass only once a month to look like this. I have better things to do with my time than cutting the grass. I also want to save our precious and limited drinking water."

Like many others, Cynthia has found the secret to maintaining the perfect lawn all summer long, Pearls Premium grass seed. Maintaining Pearls Premium takes only a small amount of time and requires far less water, which eases the burden on homeowners pocket books.

Pearls Premium can be planted right over an existing lawn to create a new lawn that will look amazing in spite of heat and water bans this summer.

According to Dr. Alex Lu of the Harvard School of Public Health, many chemicals present in lawns have been linked to an increased risk of learning and behavioral problems for children, as well as increased risk for Asthma, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease, Sexual Dysfunction, Cancer and Leukemia.

What to do? The secret to great grass is when and what to plant along with a few other best management tips like mowing 3.5 inches tall, leave the clippings, always use a sharp blade, deeply and infrequently water and use a better deep root seed. Some say, starting with the right seed is one of the most important parts of a good lawn. The right seed can help address global health and lessen climate change with extreme deep roots to sequester carbon out of the air.

Timing: Plant in the next three weeks for warm climates and for the next 6 weeks in cooler climates. Plant longer using the Hydro-seeding method. There is a new game changing, breakthrough grass that recently won a National Award for innovation. It turns out that you can easily and dramatically improve your lawn after the most intense two years of weather droughts and floods in recorded history for 60% of US.

Pearls Premium is a wonderful gift to promote a money and water saving, safe and healthy lawn. Find Pearls Premium grass at some Whole Foods Markets, at many quality garden centers, and online at

Pearls Premium Grass Seed Offering 10 Percent Discounts for Fathers Day Gifts

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June 3, 2014 at 3:18 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Grass Seeding