As part of its participation in the New Jersey Audubons Corporate Stewardship Council (CSC), Trump National Golf Club has completed its second phase of habitat restoration at its Bedminster, property with additional native grass seeding and riparian plantings to benefit migratory bird and pollinators.

In May and June 2014 an additional 320 native trees and shrubs were installed by Trump staff, US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and NJ Audubon as part of Trumps enrollment into the USFWS Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program through the CSC.

These plantings bring the total of native trees and shrubs installed through the program up to over 650 plants at the site. Native plants have certain characteristics that make them uniquely adapted to local conditions, said John Parke, Stewardship Director of New Jersey Audubon. They are not only atheistically beautiful and provide habitat, but they are a practical and ecologically valuable alternative for landscaping. With the incorporation of more native plants at the Trump property, Trump National is helping to showcase a growing and positive trend across the nation that using native plants in landscaping is not just for residential properties, but for commercial businesses as well. Basically, using native plants can get great looking landscapes that fit in naturally with the local area, while saving or improving natural resources.

Because they are so well adapted to regional fluctuation in temperature and rainfall typically native plants use less water, are more drought tolerant and resistant to disease and pests so they are used to taking care of themselves. So additional irrigation, pesticide use or fertilization needs are less likely needed or a concern at all.

As far as habitat value, native vegetation is one of the most important features of an animal's habitat because it often provides most, if not all of an animal's habitat needs (i.e. food, cover and raising young). The wildlife in-turn helps those plants to reproduce through the dispersal of the plants pollen or seeds. Therefore, plants and animals are interdependent and certain plants and animals are often found together because they have evolved together.

Though the installation of native plants at the Trump property, a variety of bird, amphibian and butterfly species have been documented to be actively utilizing the property as breeding grounds.

Our partnership with the USFWS and NJ Audubon has been a tremendous success on many levels.

They have consulted on transforming vast acres of our property with native plant species which has enhanced the beauty of the course and increased wildlife habitat. The process has been both fun and educational for staff and membership. said David Schutzenhofer General Manager, Trump National Golf Club.

Read more:
Habitat enhancements continue at Trump National Golf Course

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July 12, 2014 at 9:03 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Grass Seeding