Weddings must take place at a location easily identifiable with an address and open to the public at reasonable times.

Outdoor marriage ceremonies have been given the green light by the Attorney General Mire Whelan after clarification was sought by the Government following a dispute between a leading organiser of secular weddings and the Office of the General Registrar over wedding venues.

The Tnaiste and Minister for Social Protection Joan Burton confirmed this afternoon that marriages could be solemnised outdoors without a hitch as long as the place was open to the public.

The Humanist Association of Ireland was granted the legal authority to solemnise weddings in late 2012 and will preside over more than 600 ceremonies this year.

However, it expressed concern in recent weeks after being repeatedly blocked from carrying out the wishes of couples seeking to marry al fresco by the General Registrars interpretation of the legislation, which it said was so narrow as to not make any sense.

Under legislation, weddings have to take place at locations which are easily identifiable with an address and are open to the public at reasonable times. The General Registrar has insisted on weddings being held indoors, which meant couples seeking to marry in parks, gazebos, marquees, country house lawns and even hotel roof gardens were prohibited from doing so.

The humanists had multiple exchanges with the General Registrars office - which falls under the auspices of the Department of Social Protection - to try to reach a comprise. However, the ban remained in place, prompting the intervention of the Attorney General.

There has recently been some uncertainty about the definition of a place that is open to the public, and in order to clarify the matter, my Department sought advice from the Attorney General, Ms Burton said. This legal advice has clarified that the definition does include outdoor venues. This will be welcome news for couples wishing to celebrate their wedding day in a way that is most meaningful to them.

She said that in order to protect both parties to the marriage, the outdoor venue will have to be readily accessible to the public. This would serve to avoid the possibility of coercion, fraud or lack of capacity on the part of a party to a marriage, to prevent marriages taking place in secret, and to provide an opportunity for objections.

The Humanist Associations chief solemniser Brian Whiteside told The Irish Times today he was delighted with the result.

Excerpt from:
Al fresco weddings get green light after ruling by AG

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