Vermont Business Magazine Governor Phil Scott at his regular press briefing today, updated guidance issued a week ago on social engagement. He said these were "commonsense" changes predicated on feedback the administration had received. In particular, the governor had previously announced that individuals could no longer take a walk outside with a non-household member. He rescinded that today and is allowing people to be outside with one non-household member, while still maintaining the usual COVID-19 health protocols like social distancing and mask wearing.
He also is allowing someone living alone to engage with another household. Also, anyone who feels they are in danger or threatened can move into another household in order to stay safe.
The governor issued stricter guidelines last week as COVID cases started to surge. These restrictions indicated that you cannot engage socially with individuals who are not within your own household, travel into the state from anywhere without quarantining and he also closed bars. These new restrictions were imposed because with the surge in cases came date indicating that 71 percent of all new COVID cases came from social interactions -- everything from dinner parties to baby showers -- and not from places like restaurants, shopping, schools or worksites.
(See full executive order and video of today's media briefing below.)
Governor Scott continued to emphasize the overall, restrictive social and travel guidance today because the state set a record of 148 cases on Thursday and nearly broke it Friday with another 146 reported by the Vermont Department of Health. There also have been four COVID-related deaths in the last two weeks with three at the Rutland Healthcare & Rehabilitation Center long term-care facility in just the last few days.
Health Commissioner Mark Levine, MD, said the spike in cases and recent deaths are reminders that everyone must remain vigilant and continue to follow the health protocols. The more the virus circulates in the community, he said, the greater the likelihood it could find its way into a nursing home, where those who are most vulnerable to the disease reside.
As of today, the VDH is reporting 146 new cases of COVID-19 statewide for a total of 3,459 during the pandemic. There are currently 18 hospitalized with one person in the ICU. There have been 62 deaths.
The governor's remarks begin at about the 45 minute mark.
November 13, 2020 || Modifications and new sections are in red.
RE:Update 28 NewWork SafeAdditions to the Be Smart, Stay Safe Order
As Vermont continues its work to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, reduce the spread of the virus, keep Vermonters working, and keep our children in school, our mitigation strategy is constantly evolving.
To that end, the following is required of all Vermonters, visitors, and businesses per theGovernors Executive Order:
Critical Updates - November 13, 2020, Effective November 14, 2020 at 10:00 pm until further notice.
Notwithstanding the guidance in the remainder of this document, which will be updated in the days to come, the guidance in this section supersedes the guidance below:
2nd and 4th class licensees and licensees other than 1st class licensees who serve food, or partner with entities who serve food, including bars and social clubs shall suspend operations; however, bars and social clubs may offer take-out, curbside pickup and delivery of beverage alcohol, including spirit-based drinks and malt and vinous product.
For purposes of this order, bars and social clubs means establishments generally held out to be a bar, tavern, brew pub, brewery, microbrewery, distillery pub, winery, cidery, tasting room, club or other place of public accommodation licensed to serve beverage alcohol, including spirit-based drinks and malt and vinous product and, if serving food, only serves snacks, pre-made food, microwaveable or other food items not required to be prepared in an on-site kitchen equipped to provide menu service.
All businesses must follow Vermont Department of Health and CDC guidelines:
Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
Consider how the re-opening process and operational changes might impact compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The health and safety guidance provided by ACCD does not negate any obligations as outlined by the ADA. Refer toA Primer for Small Businessfor additional information.
As of Saturday, August 1, 2020, Vermonters and visitors are required to wear masks or cloth facial coverings over their nose and mouth any time they are in public spaces, indoors or outdoors, where they come in contact with others from outside their households, especially in congregate settings, and where it is not possible to maintain a physical distance of at least six feet.
Masks or cloth facial coverings are not required when someone is engaged in strenuous exercise or activity, for anyone under the age of 2, any child or adult with a medical or developmental issue or challenge that is complicated or irritated by a facial covering, anyone with difficulty breathing or as further set forth in guidance issued by VDH. A person who declines to wear a mask or cloth face covering because of a medical or developmental issue, or difficulty breathing, shall not be required to produce documentation, or other evidence, verifying the condition.
Businesses and non-profit and government entities shall implement measures notifying customers or clients of the requirement to wear masks or facial coverings, which may include, but shall not be limited to, posting signage stating that masks or cloth facial coverings are required and denial of entry or service to customers or clients who decline to wear masks or facial coverings.
For the text of the order establishing the mask requirement, read theExecutive Order.
Vermonters may travel outside of Vermont to counties across the Northeast including New England, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Washington, D.C., Virginia, and West Virginia that have a similar active COVID-19 caseload to Vermont (less than 400 cases per million) and return without quarantining if they do so in a personal vehicle (including private air travel). Similarly, residents of other states who live in counties across the Northeast including New England, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Washington, D.C., Virginia, and West Virginia that have a similar active COVID-19 caseload to Vermont (less than 400 cases per million) may enter the state for leisure travel without quarantining under specific conditions laid out below.
The State of Vermont has determined that any county with less than 400 active cases of COVID-19 per one million residents meets this criteria. The Agency will publish anupdated mapand list each Tuesday by 5 p.m. at identifying quarantine and non-quarantine counties throughout the Northeastern United States. Vermonters must remember to follow any travel restrictions and quarantine requirements for the states they plan to visit.
Residents from a non-quarantine county may travel to Vermont without quarantine restrictions if they travel directly to Vermont in their personal vehicle. This includes overnight travel, commuting for work, leisure visits and recreation. Travelers are encouraged to register withSara Alertupon arrival to Vermont to get two weeks of daily reminders to check for common symptoms of COVID-19. Travelers must remember to follow any travel restrictions and quarantine requirements in their home upon return.
Travelers, including Vermonters, that visit or are from a quarantine county must still quarantine for 14-days upon entrance into Vermont or quarantine for at least seven days upon entrance into Vermont and receive a negative COVID-19 test.
Authorized Work Exemption: The State of Vermont currently allows those traveling to or from Vermont for authorized work, whether they are a Vermonter or a non-resident traveler, to enter Vermont without quarantining when:
Travelers may complete either: (i) a 14-day quarantine; or (ii) a 7-day quarantine followed by a negative test - in their home state and enter Vermont without further quarantine restrictionsif they drive directly from their home via their personal vehicle.
Travelers may complete either: (i) a 14-day quarantine; or (ii) a 7-day quarantine followed by a negative test in a Vermont lodging establishmentregardless of destination origin or manner of travel(travelers must stay in their quarantine location for the duration of quarantine other than to travel to and from a test site).
People traveling for essential purposes, including work, do not need to quarantine.Essential travelincludes travel for personal safety, medical care, care of others, parental shared custody, for food, beverage or medicine, to attend preK-12 school if commuting daily, or to perform work for businesses that are currently allowed to operate. The current State of Emergency requires employers to use remote work and telework whenever possible to avoid unnecessary work travel. Businesses and employees must only travel for work related trips when absolutely necessary. Individuals engaged in a daily commute to and from their job are expressly exempt from the need to quarantine by Executive Order.
Persons should not travel to, from, or within Vermont if they are experiencingCOVID-19 symptomsor if they meet thecriteria for needing to Isolate or Quarantine.
Please review thetravel FAQ.
Operations deemed essential may continue to operate under pre-existing guidance with the addition of the mandatory health and safety requirements above.
To safely reopen certain operations impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak and not defined as essential, Governor Scott has directed the Agency of Commerce - in consultation with the Department of Health and the Department of Public Safety to authorize,subject to mandatory health and safety requirements listed above and additional sector specific guidance below, the following:
1.1 Outdoor Businesses
Phased Restart: Full list of sectors
1.2Low or No Contact Professional Services
Phased Restart: Full list of sectors
2.2 Farmers Markets
Phased Restart: Full list of sectors
3.1 Manufacturing, Construction, and Distribution Operations
Phased Restart: Full list of sectors
4.1 Outdoor Recreation and Fitness
Vermonters are encouraged to participate in outdoor recreation and fitness activities, while limiting themselves to those activities that can be enjoyed while adhering to social distancing and hygiene requirements, and which require low or no physical contact with anyone outside their immediate household. This includes, but is not limited to biking, hiking, walking, running and other outdoor fitness activities; golf, tennis, skate parks and other outdoor no-contact sports; horseback riding, boating and paddle sports, fishing, hunting, photography and nature walks.
Nothing in these guidelines should be interpreted to override the need to continue to observe requirements for use of trails or property. For instance: mud season limitations on the use of trail networks; that users obtain appropriate permission from private landowners where required; and the expectation that, where needed, users will check with state or local land managers regarding conditions that remain in effect. Additional information on good etiquette and safe practices for outdoor recreation is available at:
Phased Restart: Full list of sectors
4.2 Outdoor Recreation Businesses, Facilities and Organizations
Businesses, facilities and organizations which support or offer outdoor recreation and fitness activities that require low or no direct physical contact may return to operation under all applicable health and safety requirements established in Governor's Emergency Order. These include, but are not limited to state and municipal parks, recreation associations, trail networks, golf courses, big game check stations, and guided expeditions. In addition, organizations, businesses and facilities catering to outdoor activity must adhere to the conditions set forth below:
Phased Restart: Full list of sectors
5.1 Retail Operations
Phased Restart: Full list of sectors
5.2 Drive-In Operations
Drive-in operations including, but not limited to, movie theaters, fireworks displays, parades, restaurants, religious services, graduation ceremonies, and other gatherings may occur subject to the mandatory health and safety guidance above and:
Phased Restart: Full list of sectors
6.1 Lodging, Campgrounds and Other Accommodations
I certify that I have reviewed theState of Vermont out-of-state traveler guidelinesandtravel mapand comply with current health and safety requirements for traveling to, from, and within the State of Vermont. I further certify that I understand all travelers should stay home if ill (with any symptoms); maintain physical distance of at least 6 from anyone outside their household; wear a cloth mask when in public spaces; and wash or sanitize hands often.
Phased Restart: Full list of sectors
7.1 Restaurants, Catering, Food Service, and Bars
Phased Restart: Full list of sectors
7.2 Hair Salons and Barber Shops
Hair salons & barber shops may reopen subject to the mandatory health and safety requirements listed above, and:
Phased Restart: Full list of sectors
7.4 Religious Facilities and Places of Worship
Phased Restart: Full list of sectors
8.1 Close Contact Business (Gyms, Fitness Centers, Spas, Nail Salons, etc.)
Fitness centers (gyms) and similar exercise facilities, massage therapists, nail salons, spas, tattoo parlors, businesses that require home visits, such as cleaning services and similar operations, and businesses that require limited close personal contact may resume in-person operations subject to the mandatory health and safety requirements listed above, and:
Phased Restart: Full list of sectors
8.2 Overnight Summer Camps and Limited Residential Summer College Programming
Overnight summer camps and limited residential summer college programming shall operate in accordance withHealth Guidance for Childcare Programs, Summer Programs and Afterschool Programsissued by the Vermont Department of Health on May 13, 2020. Recognizing the unique ability of residential programs to control and monitor the activity of their participants, the following supplemental guidance shall be in effect June 7th:
Phased Restart: Full list of sectors
8.3 Indoor Arts, Culture and Entertainment(Effective 6/1)
Phased Restart: Full list of sectors
9.1 Sports/Organized Sports Including Youth Leagues, Adult Leagues, Practices, Games, and Tournaments
Effective at 10 p.m., November 14, 2020, all indoor and outdoor organized sports, including youth leagues, adult leagues, practices, games and tournaments are suspended until further notice, including Vermont-based teams in interstate play. This suspension shall not apply to school-sponsored sports activites which are subject to applicable Agency of Education Guidance.
Phased Restart: Full list of sectors
10.1 Occupancy Limits for Event Venues (Weddings, Funerals, Parties, Concerts, Large Sporting Events)
Effective 10 p.m., November 14, all event venues, arts, culture, and entertainment venues, and restaurants serving the public shall suspend public or private social, recreational and entertainment gatherings, indoor and outdoor, including large social gatherings incidental to ceremonies, holiday gatherings, parties and celebrations, unless all participants are from the same household.
Venues may continue to host religious ceremonies, wedding ceremonies, funerals and other essential gatherings - but should not host the incidental receptions and parties that are often affiliated with these gatherings.
Venues shall suspend all events that encourage households to socialize, such as parties. However, they may continue to host retail events (such as craft fairs and ski swaps). Entertainment events at venues must comply with section 8.3 (Indoor Arts, Culture and Entertainment).
When hosting allowable ceremonies or retail events, an organization may accommodate:
Phased Restart: Full list of sectors
11.1 College and University Campus Learning
Colleges and universities may provide in-person campus learning in accordance with theMandatory Guidance for College and University Campus Learningpublished on the ACCD Restart webpage.
Phased Restart: Full list of sectors
12.1 Ski Resorts
Ski resorts must operate under the guidance issued on November 3, 2020 available
Phased Restart: Full list of sectors
If your business or circumstance does not meet these criteria, additional guidance will be forthcoming.
For additional information visit
Here is the original post:
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