The project isn't anticipated to have a completion date until 2023 but when it's done, it'll have been an unbelievable undertaking.

Many people don't realize that Rome's famed colosseum was actually once far more technologically-advanced than what we see today. The ruins of the colosseum as it stands only echo its historic past and don't fully do it justice, as it was once a sight that many believed were full of mystical wonder and allure. Part of this allure was the floor that actually retracted to reveal a scene of violence, victory, and tragic loss below it, and this is the same type of illusionary magic that Rome hopes to bring back to the colosseum with new construction plans in place for the project.

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On the same sight where many tourists now gather to witness the remains of what once was, at one point in time,tensof thousands of spectators gathered to view prizefighters who were enslaved and predatory animals battle with one another. While the new plans for the colosseum do not include anything of that nature (obviously), the results of the finished project will be nothing short of spectacular when it comes to events, concerts, and theater performances. It's the hope of Rome that this installation will not only provide an incredible venue from which to watch these things but that it will also bring the colosseum itself back to its former glory during the days when it was one of the most significant destinations in the city.

As the colosseum stands today, every floor is able to be seen from the interior of the structure itself. At one point, though, the hypogeum, or inner labyrinth of the colosseum, was once hidden by a floor made of wood and sand. The goal is to separate the floors once again to give the same appearance that whichever show is taking place on the said floor has appeared by magic, as it was believed to have done centuries ago. The project is anticipated to cost millions, with Italy's governmentalready pledging almost $12 million USD. Now, all that's left is for a design team to come in and coordinate the project while creating a design that's historically accurate as well as functional.

The most intriguing part of the project is its historical accuracy. During the days when the city of Rome was at its height and one of the most revered empires in the world, the colosseum was a place where all inhibitions were thrown to the wind as spectators witnessed things that modern-day society would deem inhumane and heinous today. These things included setting wild animals loose in the colosseum with a trained fighter, and part of that was the uncertainty and unexpectedness of it all which made it (morbidly) thrilling to viewers. These animals would arrive in random locations around the colosseum floor thanks to the addition of trapdoors and secret passageways that were created to throw off suspicion and make each fight incredibly unpredictable. This is the same technology and design that Rome intends to implement in the colosseum today with the goal in mind to incorporate similar surprise features.

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According to Dario Franceschini, the culture minister, the renovation "will be a major technological intervention that will offer visitors the opportunity to not only see the underground rooms but also appreciate the beauty of the colosseum while standing in the center of the arena." Whereas during ancient Roman times, the use of the floor appeared to be some type of mystical magic, nowadays, it's the hope of the city that the new design would allow visitors to fully understand the colosseum's architecture as well as how it would have served its purpose long ago. While it's intended to be a central location for concerts and theater, it's first and foremost a piece of history and an icon in terms of Rome's past, and it's hoped that the two will be accepted with a sense of balance and appreciation of all the colosseum has represented.

While there are no plans to begin building right now, the project does have a timeline and all plans from designers are expected no later than February 1st, which means there could be more news to follow in the spring of 2021. However, with that being said, this project is no small undertaking - not only do architects need to respect and ensure that the original structure will be safely protected while adding new structures, but the plans themselves must be in line with the historical design of the colosseum itself. With that being said, the date for the finished project is anticipated in 2023.

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Originally from New York, Katie is used to a fast-paced lifestyle. She got her personal start with writing in the second grade, and carried that passion with her until she won a spot in her high school's published poetry book - but not before becoming the News Editor and columnist for the high school newspaper. In college, she majored in English Literature with an emphasis in Political Science, soaking up most creativity and method from one of the last professors to study under famed beat poet Allen Ginsberg. The more she wrote, the more she learned about the world and, more importantly, herself. She has been writing professionally and has been published since the age of 19, and for nearly a decade has covered topics in entertainment, lifestyle, music news, video game reviews, food culture, and now has the privilege of writing and editing for TheTravel. Katie has a firm belief that every word penned is a journey into yourself and your own thoughts, and through understanding this, people can begin to understand each other. Through her voice, she brings personality, research, and a bit of friendly sarcasm to every piece she writes and edits.

Continued here:
Rome's Colosseum Could Be Returning To Its Former Glory With A Retractable Floor - TheTravel

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January 3, 2021 at 9:03 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Flooring Installation