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Two Methods:Installing Pergo Over WoodInstalling Pergo Over ConcreteCommunity Q&A

Pergo is a brand of health conscious laminate that's easy to construct and durable to use. The Pergo installation procedure makes a breeze of weekend projects for do-it-yourselfers. Though not recommended to be used in mobile homes or on boats and planes, Pergo flooring can be installed in your home in any room, over wood or concrete sub-floors.





Continue the row. At a 30 degree angle along the long side of the two pieces, push the new piece into the groove. They should click together easily, or you can use a crowbar or a hammer to tap them into place gently.



Continue laying rows until you've filled the room. Connect the joints of the long side of the starter piece with the groove of the last row laid. Press the plank down until it locks into place. Secure the piece into place by using a tapping block near the end of the plank and gently knocking the piece. Continue with the tapping block down the row as you place a plank.



Check to make sure the concrete is level. If you're laying Pergo over concrete, remove all carpet, trim, and other things covering the sub-floor to expose the concrete underneath. Before laying Pergo, it's a good idea to smooth out the concrete to make sure that you've got the flattest surface possible for the new installation. Use the level to make sure it's smooth, and take steps to smooth it out if necessary with new concrete.



Install the vapor barrier when the concrete has dried. Wait at least 48 hours before installing a vapor barrier over the fresh concrete leveling job, then put down a vapor barrier as described previously. These polyurethane sheets are usually available from Pergo dealers as part of the package. Cover the entire floor with the sheets, which should be cut to completely cover the floor. Make it big enough on the sides so any vapor coming up will end up behind the baseboard. Tape the seams together before continuing with installation.


Install Pergo as before. Once you've smoothed out the concrete and added the vapor barrier, installing Pergo over concrete should be exactly the same as installing over wood. Pick a corner, start clicking them together leaving the appropriate amount of space between rows, and trim them to fit on the ends.

On concrete floors can you use polyethylene before the pergo foam vapor barrier?

wikiHow Contributor

Yes you are supposed to. They should sell giant roles of visqueen (your polyethylene) at the home stores. I like 6mil but 4 is ok (thinner than 6).

Can I install the flooring under my cabinets?

wikiHow Contributor

Yes, but you will need to remove the cabinets, and then reinstall them on top of the flooring.

If I have an attached underlayment, do I need additional underlayment?

wikiHow Contributor

You should not use additional underlayment. Including an additional layer of underlayment will likely void the warranty.

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How to Install Pergo Flooring - wikiHow

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September 20, 2016 at 9:49 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Flooring Installation