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Two Methods:Preparing the SubfloorInstalling Parquet FlooringCommunity Q&A

Parquet flooring consists of inlaid wood tile squares with repeating patterns made from short strips of wood. The tiles are made from solid wood or laminated wood veneers and can be installed using flooring adhesive or nails. Available in a wide variety of colors and patterns, parquet tiles are a durable and relatively inexpensive flooring option that can enhance the appearance of any room's dcor. This article explains how to install parquet properly.


Clean the subfloor. Remove any paint, wax, sealants, adhesives, and debris. Be sure the subfloor is completely dry before beginning to install the parquet flooring.


Level the subfloor. Use a belt sander to sand any high areas and/or fill any sunken areas with cement leveling compound.


Replace any damaged areas in the subfloor. The subfloor needs to be smooth and level to ensure the overlaid parquet floor is level.


Tighten any loose areas of the subfloor.


Mark the center of each wall. Use a marker to indicate the center of each wall and draw straight chalk lines connecting opposite walls.



Apply adhesive. Use a notched trowel held at a 45-degree angle to apply enough adhesive on the subfloor for the area to be covered by the first parquet panel. Lay the first panel, aligning it with the chalk lines.


Add enough adhesive on the subfloor to lay the next 8 panels on both sides of the first panel.



Repeat applying areas of adhesive and laying parquet panels until all except the last row of parquet panels have been laid.


Measure and cut the last row of parquet panels using a jigsaw. Lay the last row of parquet panels.


Set the parquet flooring firmly by rolling the newly laid panels with a 150-pound (68.04 kg) floor roller within a few hours of completing the installation.

My hot water heater leaked. Water is now under the parquet tiles. How can this be fixed?

wikiHow Contributor

You would need to take up the affected wood, dry or replace the subfloor, plywood, or concrete, and lay down new tiles.

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Categories: Floors and Floor Coverings

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How to Install Parquet: 12 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

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