Tuesday, November 18, 2014

In their letters, readers of The Standard quoted past columns.

One said: "In April 2010, in the column Bad move on Tamar , among others, you wrote, `We can only hope the administration does not end up being corrupt and incompetent.' Since the move of the government site to Tamar, things are unsettling!"

Another said: "In the December 7, 2012, column Wheel of misfortune, you wrote quite clearly that the Ferris wheel should not be placed in the wrong location. You explained that since Central is the meeting place of two most critical water dragons, building a Ferris wheel would result in two dragons competing for a pearl! See what has happened now!"

A third said: "In one of your columns a few months ago, you wrote, `In Hong Kong, everything has its own cycle. A gua is assigned to each 20-year span, and as I have said before, we are now in period eight (from 2004 to 2023).' Period nine is also no good for Hong Kong."

In many previous columns I often said that reclaiming land would definitely hurt Hong Kong as a result of eroding the feng shui landscape, that modernization would bring a hefty cost.

But more so, I wanted to get the message across to readers that action and reaction, and cause and effect or karma and dharma really do

Everyone carries their own karma, and is responsible for their own good or evil. Each of us should realize that we bear a karma which is the deeds we have done in every single situation. What we see happening to Hong Kong is the result of desire, lust and a craze for power in certain quarters.

Our education should incorporate values and virtues such as love, passion and patriotism over lust, desire and a craze for power. After all, what good is freedom if it is without love to measure, what good is freedom of speech if it is without patriotism?

When I was in the United States and Canada, every home had the national flag flying. I hope one day Hong Kong apartments will at least put up the territory's flag! Kerby Kuek has published 15 books on feng shui, inner alchemy, Taoism and metaphysics. He can be contacted at http://www.misterfengshui.com.

Read more:
Wrong values, virtues are causing this mess

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November 18, 2014 at 1:10 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Feng Shui