Feng shui is not a meditation practice, a religion or a New Age cult. Its a practice of arranging your environment so that energy or chi flows gently and smoothly through your home or business environment.

Based on a Chinese concept of energy developed over 4,000 years ago, feng shui principles can be used in designing and decorating your home so that it is in harmony with your own tastes and the energy that flows through your home.

Even inanimate objects have energy, according to feng shui principles. Feng shui helps guide that energy and lets it flow freely through your home to create harmony.

If you like to avoid clutter while enjoying the beauty of some of your favorite personal items, youre already using feng shui principles and may not even know it.

Using these principles can be as complex as using a compass to determine the exact center of your home or as simple as cleaning a closet to open up the flow of energy in a room.

Begin by carefully considering what you bring into your home, how you arrange your rooms and how you maintain your space, according to Real Simple magazine.

In your living room...

Feng shui principles encourage a sofa to be placed against a solid wall farthest away from the entry, with a clear view of the door. Leave a few inches between the sofa and the wall.

If your space doesnt have a proper wall, you can use the floating sofa concept, as long as you put a console behind it with tall sturdy lamps. Add a mirror opposite the sofa so you can see behind you. The idea is that you feel protected in your living room space.

The biggest mistake in living room furniture placement is an awkward seating plan thats not conducive to conversation. Each seat needs a surface on which to rest a beverage or book, to make the space more welcoming.

Original post:
Harmonize your home using Feng Shui (Pronounced: FUNG-SH-WAY)

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March 15, 2015 at 2:15 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Feng Shui