Feng shui neighborhood

When FivePoint Communities hired Angi Ma Wong, a feng shui expert, to help plan the design of the Pavilion Park homes and neighborhoods, a priority was picking the right street names.

The good

Melrose Connection to shopping and Los Angeles. Wong said it "immediately resonates with the young and the hip."

Richmond Sounds like "rich man" when pronounced.

Peppercorn Reminder of Sichuan peppercorn seasonings.

The not-so-good

Arlington First thing that comes to mind: Arlington National Cemetery outside Washington, D.C. "I nixed it immediately," Wong said. "Anything having to do with death and dying is not very desirable."

Four (any street name or address with the number) In Cantonese and Mandarin, the pronunciation is too close to the pronunciation for the word "death," Wong said. The worst address: 1400 because pronunciation of the number one sounds like "set," the four sounds like "death" and the zeros indicate infinity. The number essentially translates to the guarantee of death forever. "That's probably the most dire of all examples."

Source: Angi Ma Wong

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Great Park homes try feng shui in effort to be hip, harmonious

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February 25, 2014 at 7:29 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Feng Shui