Authentic feng shui principles and theoriessurpasses the test of time, recording and compiling our natural phenomenon like attributes of geographical terrain, sunrise, sunset,movement of stars, rain, rivers, etc. Some of the traditionalmethods of feng shui applicationsthrough my years of regular consultative reviewfromclients'feedback are redundant or needed fine-tuning to improve it's effectiveness.Feng Shuihomeor office haveto keepin alignment withtechnology advancement and environmental changes. Having say that there are stillanomalies in today's feng shui applicationsdeviated fromthe original feng shuiteachings.

Take for instance olden dayscharcoal operated stove and today's induction oven, there is adifference in placement and orientation.In the past,we do not have air-condition andrely solely on actual wind movements. The currentrole of air-condition systemtoday plays a more important role in altering the properties of air, temperature and humidity.Sanitation systemof today aremorehygienic than in the past. Modern transportation andinfrastructurelike expressways,MRT, LRT do accelerate the "luck" of our environment which influences 2 schools of fengshuiluck period calculation;Xuan Kong Da Gua Di Yun (Earth Luckenergiesand Xuan Kong Flying Star Tian Yun (Heavenly Luck energies).

Today we have ultra modern building designs, skyscrapers, artificial landscapesthatis non-existentin the past andsome feng shui masterswronglyimprovise theproperty fascadeor windowas the basisfor calculating theDestiny of the house. They interpret air (qi)in the literal senseand overlookus as "human beings" to mobilise the"qi" or invisible energies.Take for instancethere are 500 units in acondo, theimpact to you is only a mere1/500 or 0.2%.Another reasonis thatno home owner willclimb through their own window to get into the house except burglars.Besides thisthere are otheranomalies in feng shui calculation such as the use of water, fish tank, bagua, fengshui products,12 chinese astrology signs, Gua Mingand so forth.Till today fengshuiremainsan enigma to most people. The acid testto gauge feng shuieffectivenessareresults. This could only be possible if we follow-through with our clients and listen to their feedback after doing the feng shui audit.Unfortunately there is no short-cut to this learning curve, it isa lifelongprocess of "research-and-exploration"so long asoursociety progress,our environment evolve. Today's feng shui home or office needs updating. Modern interpretations and adaptations are necessarybecauseolden classical fengshuitheories/principlesare notscientific facts unless proven.

Feng Shui MasterSingapore uses more"science"toexplorefeng shui problems andcures unlike others who churn outmoreannual feng shui products or religious talisman

It is without a shadow of doubt thattechnology advancement has improve our quality of life. It brings convenience, medical breakthrough, communications, education, business and many others.However modern lifestyle improvements comes with a hefty price tag ofcomplex fengshui problems to resolve. Environmental issues like Global warming, Polluction, Waste and Recycling. In this new age, we simply cannot ignore the fact that we unfortunately consume more "electricity"and exposed to electromagnetic fields much more than our forefathers.Including myself, we simply cannot live without smart phones, internetand tablets. We have nuclear plants, satellite, power stations.Classical fengshui wisdomneeds a more "open-minded" approach when comes to solving today's modern home and office fengshui problems.Through the years thanks to myclients valuable feedback,we definitelyneed a more systematic,scientific approachin Feng Shuicalculation, usingprobability math, physics, biology, research, experimentation, trial and error,inductive/deductive reasoning,psychology and other exploratory methodologiesto enhance our life.

On a positive note modern technologies and advancement in science do help us to understand feng shui better. Take the above example of a common fallacy to associate houses at the end of the corridor as bad fengshui and fengshui masters call it as . We are in the 21st century and we need to examine the root of the problem that causes this so-call bad energy. This problem can be explain by understanding the theory of energy flow. Then it should be solve by using a scientific approach to disperse the "conserved energy" rather than using fengshui products like lion or unicorn or 6 coins in a rampant manner. See the picture assuming that both houses are situated in the red circle, is it different? In the first picture air is squeeze between a narrow passage between 2 taller buildings where the air is accelerated explained by physics "continuity equation" fluid dynamics and Bernoulli's equation which is bad fengshui. In feng shui Singapore a lot of HDB houses are located at the two ends of a common corridor and looking at the picture you can tell that the air energies are dispersed by wide space above the wall, so this is no bad fengshui energy at all. Moreover most corner HDB houses have steps and this also helps to reduce the speed of energy flow. Having say that not all feng shui theories and principles can be explained or proven by science but i am working on it for the last 10 over years.

UnlearnCommon Misconceptions about feng shui

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November 2, 2013 at 6:47 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Feng Shui