24 February 2013| last updated at 11:18PM

The overabundance of water in the just concluded Dragon Year resulted in devastating hurricanes, floods and landslides.

The Snake Year will bring more wind related natural disasters but will generally be less volatile. According to astrologers, decisions will be more tempered by wisdom rather than emotion and people will become more self-aware and spiritual.

According to feng shui masters, this year will be more promising. Hopefully, we will all fare better in the Year of the Snake, a slithery creature much loathed and not held in high esteem in most communities.

The snake is a feared creature and most of us would not keep a snake as a pet. Many of us would be having sleepless nights if we knew there was a snake in the neighbourhood.

To some, the snake is the manifestation of Satan. In the Garden of Eden, the devil took the form of a snake to deceive Eve into eating the forbidden fruit. God then put an enmity between the snake and Man and that is why till today, there is this universal phobia of the snake.

Each year is represented by an animal in the Chinese calendar.

It is not necessarily the characteristics or nature associated with the animal that determines whether the year is going to be prosperous, peaceful or ravaged by calamities.

Every year is unique. Man engineers prosperity and peace on earth. Man plans, God decides.

We all hope and pray for a prosperous year filled with goodness and richness.

See the article here:
FENG SHUI: It's up to man to make Snake Year good or bad

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February 28, 2013 at 7:59 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Feng Shui