An ancient Chinese term bagua means eight areas (ba=eight, gua=area) and Feng Shui bagua is a map or chart that relates the various areas of your life to the 8 sections of your living space. These eight main sections of a space are represented by what are known as guas of the bagua map. The bagua map can also have a ninth center section that corresponds to the 8 major corresponding life areas. So in this way the layout of bagua map shows the nine main energy centers that we value the most.

The map is used by plac ing e it over a floor plan of the space were being design ed ing or fix ed i ng for problems . With the help of the map, users can and learn how to emphasize pinpoint the areas which that need our immediate attention so that they can be enhanced by Feng Shui practice.

The Eight Life Areas of Feng Shui Bagua

The center bagua is reserved for all other areas. As a result, the Feng Shui bagua can represented by a bigger square divided into 9 smaller squares called guas", which are arranged in three rows of three. The look is similar to that of a set of floor tiles, a game board or a window. Though the Feng Shui bagua has a deceptively simple appearance, it is a powerful blueprint for all the changes you wish to enact in order to have a better life.

Feng Shui Bagua the key points

Feng Shui Bagua The Cornerstone For Happiness

Understanding the associations and meanings of each gua is the first step in learning to place the bagua and utilize utilizing it as part of your Feng Shui practice. It is only with the help of Bagua that you can know exactly how exactly to use the enhancements related to the elements or Feng Shui colors. What about t The re are corners and , portions of the house or walls , which we tend to be neglect ed ? Wi but it is w ith Feng Shui design and the F feng S shui bagua , th at you ll can know how and where to put them to manuver with those structures in order to have the a des required e affect , ultimately and bring ing happiness and harmony to your life.

Feng Shui Bagua And Its Universal Application

It is possible to make positive changes and corrections to any space, no matter how small or large. Once you understand the basics of Feng Shui bagua you can apply the same underlying principle to whichever space you want to enhance, whether it is Feng Shui in the home, Feng Shui for offices, or Feng Shui bed room.

In addition, Feng Shui Bagua helps you to recognize the Power spots , which are the most essential elements of Feng Shui practice. Because power spots are determined not only by the things that are going on in your life right now but also by the design and architecture of your particular living space they are unique to each person, family and home.

Go here to read the rest:
Feng Shui Bagua - The powerful tool for Feng Shui practice

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July 9, 2014 at 2:11 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Feng Shui