Activating thework space, be it home of office, ensures a clear vision, goal and a pathtowards prosperity. The science of Feng Shui gives an opportunity to tap intothe universal energies and achieve the dreams and desires of good business.

The ancientChinese art of orienting buildings, aligning the space, interiors and placingobjects to maximise their harmony with surroundings is a age old method in thepractice of Feng Shui. The philosophy is grounded in the idea that consciouslysituating objects allows them to better absorb the Earths natural energy.

For business andoffice spaces, Feng Shui activates the energies to usher in team spirit,networking, finance, growth and stability luck.

Good Feng Shui,does not bring you wealth if you do not strive for it, but it gives you thenecessary support to seek your wealth and fortune. It helps you use variousFeng Shui cures to create an environment, be it home or office. Thisstrengthens the occupants and the space to attract the Feng Shui energies ofprosperity and wealth.

The workplace isone of the key areas where Feng Shui can be implemented which can in turn helpyou focus on your intentions, clear your mind to produce high quality work thatyour clients, bosses, and co-workers will admire.

The entrance toyour office is a key component of Feng Shui because it is what allows energy toflow freely into and out of your space. Therefore, making sure it is free ofclutter is imperative. Also, the door to your office should open completelywithout anything getting in the way.

For goodbusiness, choose locations where main door entrances face open spaces to allowlight to enter. And most importantly, make sure business offices and customerreception areas are well-lit to attract positive energy.

Avoid anyclutter on the surface of your desk and place plenty of organisers on top of itso that you can keep files and tools out of your way. This will allow theenergy and creativity to flow while you work. A good rule is to aim for half ofyour desktop to be free of clutter at all times.

In Feng Shui, alot of significance is attached to flowing water and aquariums. When placedcorrectly, they usher in big wealth luck as water is thought to be a powerfulFeng Shui element, promoting good business and prosperity.

Colours andappropriate wall dcors harmonise the prosperity Chi. Hence, some colours havea great significance in Feng Shui. Six important Feng Shui business colours areas follows:

Purple is alsoa colour of wealth and prosperity. It is a colour which can quell stressfulbusiness and is also suitable for those in antique art business.

The colourBlue is the most universal colour in business as it is said to invoke trust,loyalty, reliability and responsibility. It is the colour of water. Hence, excess blue is not good. Moderate the colourand shades of indigo would be better too.

Green is thecolour of nature, freshness and harmony. Darker shades of green are related tomoney, prestige and wealth, while lighter shades represent freshness, growth,kindness and sympathy.

Yellowstimulates the logical side of the brain and mind clarity. However, use yellowas a supportive colour and not a standalone bright shade as excess yellow issaid to cause anxiety.

The colour Orange boosts concentration, as well as creativity. It is warm and vibrant colour and hence, using it in proper combination with other shades will enhance the Yang feel.

The colour Red is the colour of good fortune, confidence, luck and money. It also signifies anger hence even this shade should be moderated and combined with other colours.


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Enhancing Wealth Chi - Star of Mysore

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November 25, 2019 at 4:42 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Feng Shui