The show: August Wilson's "Fences" at Long Wharf Theatre in New Haven

What makes it special?: The revival is directed by Phylicia Rashad, who has starred in and staged several of Wilson's works.

First Impressions: It's been near 30 years since Wilson's work had its dazzling premiere in 1985 at Yale Repertory Theatre and time has done nothing but give this play an even deeper and richer sheen. Long Wharf's thrust stage gives the production an intimate look at the Maxson home and backyard, bringing family conflicts up-close and personal.

Though Esau Pritchett is a physically towering figure as Troy Maxson, the bitter middle-aged sanitation worker at the center of the play, he doesn't quite measure up to the description of him as a man so big he fills up the tenement house just by walking through it. Though there's dignity, humor and strength in his characterization, the sense of combustable danger is lacking.

But that also goes for much of the production in general with direction so low-key or stiff that there doesn't seem to be much at stake, despite Wilson's powerful words to the contrary. So the play's big moments are dramatically diminished, Wilson's arias are nearly asides, and the fierce phrases that the characters use to strike each other with stunning force, are now whiffs.

Still, the story and the characters that Wilson had created remain vivid, moving and unforgettable.

What's it about?: It seemingly centers on the father-son struggle in the best family drama tradition but it's so much more.

Like..?: The changing dynamic of race in mid-20th century America. Set in the Hill neighborhood in Pittsburgh in 1957, 53-year-old Maxson has received no breaks in life. An extraordinary baseball player, Maxson's talent was confined to the Negro Leagues and he was too old to play when the color barrier was broken. Now his high school-age son Cory has the opportunity to get a college sports scholarship but the resentful Maxson demands his son take a useful trade and lead a dutiful, responsible life, such as he did. But Cory sees his generation's future differently than his father's does.

This conflicting view of race, identity and values is at the heart of the narrative and Wilson's richly-drawn characters, dramatic set pieces and dialogue and storytelling that is elevated with touches of jazz, blues and poetry will keep audiences engaged throughout.

And the performances?: Fine, true and human even if some lack the depth of passion that can make a scene pop.

Read this article:
Wilson's 'Fences' Riveting At Long Wharf

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December 12, 2013 at 4:03 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Fences