FREDERICK, Md., Sept. 19, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- When it comes to your deer fence, nothing protects like steel, particularly if your property is as overrun with rabbits, raccoons, groundhogs, and other smaller pests as deer. While polypropylene is very resistant to chewing, with enough abuse from tiny teeth, it will breakwith this in mind, is now offering a chew-proof alternative to customers seeking the strongest possible protection against deer and rodent activity.

Steel core cable is the answer to fence and tension system damage caused by rodent chewing. Like the monofilament wire generally recommended by DeerBusters for most fencing applications, steel core wire is used at the top and bottom edge of poly deer fence to hold it upright and taut, creating both a professional and attractive look and a more effective barrier against jumping. It also tightens and reinforces the bottom edge that tends to suffer the most damage from rodents and deerdeer frequently try to dig or crawl under fences before risking a jump. Unlike monofilament, however, steel core will never break or snap because of chewing and digging. The secret of the strength is all in the name: at the center of the cable is a completely chew-proof core of galvanized aircraft cable, braided into seven strands of seven wires. The outside of the wire is a black PVC coating that both protects the steel from weather damage and helps it match the poly deer fence.

DeerBusters' new steel core cable is installed just as standard monofilament is installed, utilizing monofilament connection sleeves, connector clips, Gripples, self-locking ties, and round tighteners. Every length of steel core offered at is 8-gauge and compatible with 8-gauge connectors and tighteners. It is available in lengths of 333 feet, 666 feet, 1,000 feet, and 3,000 feet.

Steel core tension wire is recommended for any area experiencing high rodent traffic or where fencing is frequently damaged. DeerBusters suggests pairing steel core tension systems with maximum strength poly fencing and steel web rodent control fencing for the most effective installation possible. While it may only be necessary to install steel core at the bottom edge of a fence to control chewing, it should also be considered for use at the top of the fence in wooded areas where low branches may collapse onto the fence. For even more support, install a third line of steel core wire along the center of the fence to absorb impact from deer running into it.

Read this article: announces an improved tension system for deer fences

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September 20, 2013 at 6:48 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Fences