CTHJA Year End Show 2012 Day 1
CTHJA Year End Show at the Extraco Events Center in Waco, Texas. And...drum roll...Newspaper Taxi (Chance) and ME! Finally! I #39;m starting at the bottom rung and loving it! Completely taking my time on this fantastic horse and having fun at Coraggio. My Chance is a gem. I am very, very lucky to have such a fabulous horse! This is our tack up, warm up and a pic of one of our ribbons after classes. Unfortunately I didn #39;t get movies of our rides on course. However, we did well. Pinned in five classes out of six over a two-day period (over fences, under saddle, and equitation). See the companion video for Paige Erwin #39;s (our trainer at Coraggio) ride on Newspaper Taxi in the Low Hunters.From:BigGreyHorseMediaViews:2 1ratingsTime:02:35More inPets Animals

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CTHJA Year End Show 2012 Day 1 - Video

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December 5, 2012 at 10:51 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Fences