What if an occupation is not listed?

If your job is not on a shortage list, dont be disheartened. There are other work, resident, student and holidayvisasthat might be right for you.

Employers with advertised job vacancies in New Zealand that have made genuine but unsuccessful efforts to find a suitable New Zealand citizen or resident for the position can look to recruit migrant workers. In this situation, the employer may apply to Immigration New Zealand forApproval in Principleto recruit workers from overseas. They may also offer employment to a migrant directly and support their application for anEssential Skillswork visa. The employer will need to provide supporting information and demonstrate their efforts to recruit New Zealanders first.

If you want to apply for residence in New Zealand, you might be eligible under theSkilled Migrant Category, or aWork to Residencevisa if you are offered employment by an Accredited Employer.

If you are aged between 18 and 30 years, and your country has an agreement with the New Zealand government, you may be eligible to apply for aWorking Holidayvisa.

AVisitor Visais a great way to experience everything New Zealand has to offer. You are permitted to meet with prospective employers but you are not permitted to work until you have been granted a work visa.

Want to know more about the lists?See how theyre reviewed and updated.

Note 1: Qualifications listed (unless an exception is stated) are New Zealand awarded qualifications on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF). Overseas qualifications must be comparable to the standard of the New Zealand qualification listed. Overseas qualifications therefore require an International Qualification Assessment (IQA) from the New Zealand Qualifications Authority stating the comparable NZQF qualification.

Note 2: Where post-qualification work experience is included as a requirement it applies to all qualifications listed for the occupation (unless otherwise indicated).

Note 3: Where a Washington Accord accredited undergraduate engineering degree is a requirement, the engineering degree has to be awarded from or after the date the country became a signatory, and must be on the list of accredited programmes of the signatory country. To determine if an engineering degree awarded is Washington Accord accredited, please refer to theInternational Engineering Alliance website.

Where a Sydney Accord accredited undergraduate engineering degree is a requirement, the engineering technology degree has to be awarded from or after the date the country became a signatory, and must be on the list of accredited programmes of the signatory country. To determine if an engineering technology degree awarded is Sydney Accord accredited, please refer to theInternational Engineering Alliance website.

Where a Seoul Accord accredited undergraduate IT degree is a requirement, the IT degree has to be awarded from or after the date the country became a signatory, and must be on the list of accredited programmes of the signatory country. To determine if an IT degree awarded is Seoul Accord accredited, please refer tothe website.

Note 4: Qualifications held by applicants claiming points based on this list under the Skilled Migrant Category must be recognised under the Skilled Migrant Category.

Note 5: Where New Zealand registration is specified as a requirement and states a qualification(s) in this area of absolute skill shortage is/are, a person only needs to hold the particular New Zealand registration and to have undertaken any necessary work experience in order to meet the requirements of the List. In these cases, qualifications are listed only for the purposes of people applying for work visas under WF4.1.

Note 6: A letter, certificate or registration from the Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand Incorporated (IPENZ), as Engineering New Zealand was formerly known, may be used to meet the requirement for a letter, certificate or registration from Engineering New Zealand. A letter from IPENZ may also be used to meet an applicable requirement instead of a letter from IT Professionals New Zealand. IPENZs name changed to Engineering New Zealand in October 2017.

Read more here:
Electrician (General) Visa Options - Immigration New Zealand

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October 6, 2019 at 1:43 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Electrician General