One hundred nuclear power plants operating in 31 states posted an estimated average capacity factor of 91.9 percent

Drivers trying to calculate whether it's practical to own an electric car are facing a new math

SunZia represents a win for the environment and for the economy, said U.S. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell

Each year the magazines editors solicit nominations and recognize some of the industrys most outstanding projects in four categories

02/02/2015 President Barack Obama's new budget proposal includes more than $3 billion worth of tax credits and other spending to help the Appalachian region r...

Requested staffing is down as well for the agency that regulates nuclear power plants and users of nuclear materials

02/02/2015 WestConnect stakeholders over the next 10 years are planning 183 transmission projects in nine western states that represent a capital investment o...

02/02/2015 For electric utilities, a variety of factors, including market transitions, the advent of distributed generation, and smart grid technologies have ...

02/02/2015 Dominion Voltage Inc. (DVI), a grid optimization unit of Dominion Resources, Inc. announced their participation in a Volt/VAR optimization pilot pr...

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Electric Light & Power - Electric power generation ...

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February 3, 2015 at 5:20 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Electrician General