By Ryan Drury June 30, 2021 10:01am

All nine municipalities in Perth-Wellington will be splitting 2.1 million dollars in infrastructure funding.

In a release from Perth-Wellington MP John Nater, the funding courtesy of the COVID-19 Resilience Fund will help fund 13 infrastructure projects in his riding. The fund was created as part of the federal governmentsInvesting in Canada Infrastructure Program to help municipal governments recover from financial effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to the release, the projects being funded were part of a $51.2 million announcement made jointly by the federal and provincial governments.

I am very pleased that projects in every corner of PerthWellington will receive funding, says Nater. Its essentialfor municipalities to receive support from the federal and provincial governments to modernize the infrastructure on which we rely.

The consistent delays we have seen locally in accessing federal infrastructure funding have placed many municipalities in difficult financial positions, Nater adds. Red tape and regulatory roadblocks should be lessened to better allow municipalities to get the job done.

The 13 Perth-Wellington projects and the funding breakdown is as follows:

Organization Project Name, Provincial Funding, Federal Funding, Total Eligible cost, Detailed Project Description

Township ofPerth EastHands FreeModification at PerthEast RecreationComplex

$ 20,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 100,000.00

The project will install no touchtechnology at high touch surfacesin the Perth East RecreationComplex in Perth East, Ontario toreduce the COVID-19 transmissionrisk. The work will involve installingno touch motion detectors on 31faucets, 32 toilets, 10 urinals, 20lights and 15doors.

Township ofMapletonRetrofit ofWashrooms and A/VEquipment in PMDArena

$ 20,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 100,000.00

The project will install audio-visualequipment and create barrier-freewashrooms at an arena.

Municipalityof WestPerthMunicipalAdministration officeUpgrade

$ 32,024.80 $ 128,099.20 $ 160,124.00

The project will retrofit the municipaloffice in West Perth, Ontario toreduce the COVID-19 transmissionrisk. The work will involve upgradingthe ventilation system andreorganizing the building layout tobetter promote social distancing.

Township ofPerth SouthRehabilitation of theAdministrative office $ 20,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 100,000.00

The project will retrofit, repair, andupgrade an administrative buildingin St. Pauls, a hamlet in PerthSouth, Ontario. The work willinvolve installing a new efficientdesign that includes barrier-freeoffice space and storage, removinginterior partition walls, fixtures anddrywall, and installing energyefficient lighting.

Town of St.MarysReplacement of HVACUnits PyramidCentre

$ 25,339.40 $ 101,357.60 $ 126,697.00

The project will replace four roof-topHVAC units (two for change roomsservicing the ice rink, one for thechange room servicing swimmingpool, one for the common area) atthe Pyramid Centre in St. Marys,Ontario.

Town ofMintoInstallation ofWalkable ORStandard Sidewalks

$ 26,800.00 $ 107,200.00 $ 134,000.00

The project will promote activetransportation by constructing1,340 metres of new, accessiblesidewalks in Minto, Ontario.

County ofPerthRenovation of PerthCounty ParamedicHeadquarters

$ 14,400.00 $ 57,600.00 $ 72,000.00

The project will renovate the open-concept office space and upgrade

the HVAC system at the paramedicheadquarters in Perth, Ontario. Thework will involve adding walls andglass barriers to separate fouroffices from the hallway and fromeach other.

City ofStratford

T.J. Dolan Drive Multi-Use Trail $ 70,703.54 $ 282,814.18 $ 353,517.72

The project will construct a new,multi-use trail in Stratford, Ontario.The work will involve removing anddisposing of the existing roadway,constructing a new multi-use trail,installing bollards at entrances tolimit vehicle access, updatingconnecting sidewalks, and installingpark benches and bike racks.

Municipalityof NorthPerthNorth Perth TrailSystem Repair andDevelopment

$ 33,545.20 $ 134,180.80 $ 167,726.00

The project will develop a new trail,repair two pedestrian bridges, andinstall a portable washroom in NorthPerth, Ontario.

Township ofWellingtonNorthMount Forest andDistrict SportsComplex Generator

$ 29,000.00 $ 116,000.00 $ 145,000.00

The project will install a generator atthe Mount Forest and District SportsComplex in Wellington North,Ontario.

County ofPerthPerth CountyCourthouseRenovation

$ 16,541.00 $ 66,164.00 $ 82,705.00

The project will install a new wall,door, security access system andaudio-visual equipment at thecourthouse in Perth, Ontario.

Township ofWellingtonNorthArthur SidewalkDevelopment andExpansion

$ 10,904.20 $ 43,616.80 $ 54,521.00

The project will expand anddevelop the Arthur sidewalk inWellington North, Ontario toimprove the accessibility and extentof the active transportation network.The work will involve constructing achoker lane to calm traffic, installing10 sidewalk texturing pads andadding 350 metres of sidewalk.

County ofWellingtonUV Air Purification atCounty Facilities $ 114,005.80 $ 456,023.20 $ 570,029.00

The project will install UV airpurification systems at 33 municipalbuildings in Wellington, Ontario.

Total $ 433,263.94 $ 2,166,319.72

See more here:
Perth-Wellington municipalities to split 2.1 million in infrastructure funding -

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