WILLOW (KTUU)- Door-to-door asphalt scammers are targeting Alaskans in a number of communities across the state from Fairbanks to the Kenai Peninsula.

In just the past few days, the Attorney Generals office says they've received at least 10 reports from Alaskans who were taken advantage by paving schemes.

According to the Anchorage Attorney Generals office, "the individuals claim that they are knocking because they have leftover materials and are able to pave driveways or sidewalks for a discounted rate. They cite a price that is attractive to homeowners without giving the required written notice that the homeowner has a right to cancel any written or verbal contract without penalty for five days."

Back in June, a paving company that called itself 'Edwards Asphalt,' showed up at Robin Edgell's home in Willow, offering her a $10,000 load for half price, to pave her driveway. After one day of paving, the pavers came to collect their fee.

"They told me $4,750," said Edgell. "We went to the bank, I got the $4,750, and they said 'No, $47,500.' And I simply went into a shock. I walked back into the bank and got a cashier's check. And then they came back the next day to finish up and then they sent their 10 year-old son to the door with this invoice."

That invoice was for an additional $24,765. Edgell said even though she knew it wasn't right, she paid her bill, saying when all was said and done, she paid them more than $72,000.

As for the quality of the work, Edgell says her driveway looks awful.

"It's not taken out as far, it's not as thick as it should be and it's never going to dry," said Edgell. "It's always going to be sticky, what they put on here is never going to set."

Edgell showed Channel 2 an invoice and flier given to her by Edwards Asphalt. On it, an address and phone number. We searched Alaska corporation filings and found no business license by the name of Edwards Asphalt. As for the address, 3875 Giest Road in Fairbanks, it belongs to a UPS store that rents out mailboxes. We also called the number, 907-891-3501, only to receive an automated message saying 'we're sorry, the person you're trying to reach is not accepting calls at this time. Please try your call again later.'

Channel 2 spoke the owner of Peninsula Asphalt Paving on Tuesday, he says his crew spotted vehicles with 'Edwards Asphalt' logo on them in the Kenai Peninsula as recent as Monday night.

If you were the victim of this scam you are asked to contact the Consumer Protection Unit Staff at (907) 269-5200 or toll free (888) 576-252.

View original post here:
Willow woman scammed out of $72k by door-to-door asphalt pavers - KTUU.com

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August 1, 2017 at 12:43 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Driveway Paving