Staff Photo by Joe Sarno

The driveway and parking lot at the North Boulevard Elementary School was recently repaved due to its poor condition.

The North Boulevard Elementary School's parking lot was repaved early last week, Board of Education Business Administrator Barbara Decker said Tuesday, and the refurbishment will be complete before school starts on Sept. 3.

"The [parking lot] looks beautiful," Decker said. "They should be in good shape."

The resurfacing, which was done by the Fairview-based J.J. Sinisi Asphalt Paving, cost about $93,000 and included small sidewalk repairs. The funding came from the district budget's capital reserve.

Decker said previously that the lot, which also features a long driveway that leads onto the Boulevard, was in such poor shape that patching would not have been adequate.

Striping was scheduled for this weekend.

Steve Janoski

Read this article:
Fresh paving and striping for fresh year at North Boulevard

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August 18, 2014 at 9:54 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Driveway Paving