Vermont Agency of Transportation This weekly report is a list of planned construction activities that will have traffic impacts on state highways throughout Vermont for the week of August 22. Please remember to drive safely in all work zones. Lives depend on it.


I-89 Richmond A culvert repair project is underway. Motorists will encounter a one-mile-long lane closure in both travel directions just south of Exit 11 as southbound traffic is merged to the northbound lane using a crossover. Please pay attention to signage in the area and merge early.

I-89 SharonAbridge rehabilitation project continues. Traffic is reduced to one lane in each direction as crossovers are being utilized. Motorists be aware of a work zone speed reduction.

I-91 Bradford A single lane closure has been established in the southbound lanes near Exit 16 for ongoing bridge maintenance. Northbound motorists should continue to exercise caution as the contractor works to restore northbound travel to two lanes. A speed limit reduction to 55 mph remains in effect.

I-91 Fairlee St. Johnsbury Multiple work zones are in place for preventative maintenance repairs to bridges along I-91. Single lane closures have been established in both directions speed limit and lane-width reductions remain in effect.

I-91 Lyndon Barton Travelers can expect daily lane closures in the vicinity of active construction Monday Saturday between Exits 23 25 during daytime construction hours (6 a.m. 6 p.m.). Motorists will encounter uneven lanes, grooved pavement, and lane closures in active construction zones. Speed is reduced to 55 mph in the work zone.

I-91 Rockingham A ledge stabilization project continues. Motorists will encounter lane and speed reductions as southbound traffic is merged to the northbound barrel using a crossover.

I-91 Ryegate St. Johnsbury A northbound resurfacing project is underway. There will be a single lane closure between Exits 17 and 20, with minimal traffic delays as crews install plug joints on bridges.

I-91 WeathersfieldA bridge deck replacement project continues at Exit 8. Lane and speed reductions are in effect in each direction as southbound traffic is merged to the northbound bridge using a crossover. A two-way lane shift on VT 131 will consist of two 10-foot lanes. This lane shift will be in place until October.

I-91 Westminster A bridge deck replacement project over VT 121 is underway. I-91 northbound and southbound have been reduced to one lane of travel across the bridges, and an alternating one-way traffic pattern is in effect on VT 121 underneath the bridges. A speed reduction to 55 mph is in place within the project area. Fines are doubled for speeding within the construction zone.

Around the State

Alburgh Milling operations are set to begin along U.S. 2. Traffic control will be present, and motorists should expect some minor delays.

Andover A 74-day bridge closure begins on Monday, 08/22 as crews replace Bridge #9 over Trout Brook on Weston-Andover Rd. in Andover. A town-signed 6.4-mile detour route will be in place for motorists. The detour will run from Weston-Andover Rd. to Middletown Rd., then VT 11 to Hilltop Rd., and back to Weston-Andover Rd.

Braintree VT 12 is back open to traffic following a bridge closure. One-way alternating traffic patterns with flaggers will be implemented as needed through the construction site.

Brownington A slope stabilization and roadway reconstruction project is underway at multiple locations along Center Rd. in Brownington. Center Rd. is closed to through traffic through the fall. Traffic will be rerouted along VT 58, Hunt Hill Rd., and Schoolhouse Rd.

Burlington A paving project is underway along U.S. 2/Main Street from South Willard St. to I-89, and along North Willard St. to the intersection with Riverside Ave. Nighttime work hours are 7 p.m. 6 a.m., Sunday through Thursday. Motorists should expect one-way alternating traffic during nighttime operations.

Burlington, Shelburne Street Roundabout Early next week, U.S. 7/Shelburne St. will be restricted to one-way southbound between South Willard St. and Marian St.South Willard St. will be restricted to one-way northbound between Shelburne St. and Chittenden Dr., and access to Locust St. via Shelburne St. will be closed.

These traffic patterns will remain in place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for several weeks. Motorists are encouraged to follow the signed detour route to avoid delays. Through-trucks are required to follow the signed detour route.

Calais Multiple bridge replacement projects are underway along VT 14. Two-way traffic is back open at the first bridge location approx. 7.6 miles north of U.S. 2, while work continues on the second bridge a few more miles north. Motorists should expect speed reductions and alternating one-way traffic controlled by flaggers during the day and a temporary signal at the second bridge location during non-work hours.

Charlotte South Burlington A roadway resurfacing project is underway along U.S. 7. Nighttime work hours are 7 p.m. 6 a.m., Sunday through Thursday. Motorists should expect one-way alternating traffic during nighttime operations. Moderate delays are possible.

Chelsea Thetford A resurfacing project continues on VT 113. There will be a single-lane closure with alternating one-way traffic as crews continue paving the wearing course Vershire towards Thetford.

Chester A bridge deck replacement project is underway on VT 103 just south of Smokeshire Rd. Speed and lane width reductions are in effect throughout the project area. VT 103 Bridge #16 is closed through October 2022. Traffic is being maintained on a temporary bridge.

Chester Springfield A roadway project nears completion on VT 11 between VT 103 in Chester and VT 106 in Springfield. Expect one-way alternating traffic in the vicinity of construction operations. Minor delays anticipated.

Fair Haven Orwell Motorists should expect alternating one-way traffic along VT 22A as crews finish line striping and continue placing shoulder gravel and paving driveway aprons.

Hardwick A paving project continues on VT 14 and VT 15. Motorists should expect lane closures with alternating one-way traffic along both roadways between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Johnson Morristown Motorists should expect alternating one-way traffic along VT 15 and VT 15A as crews pave sideroads and driveway aprons. Crews will also begin placing shoulder gravel on both routes.

Montpelier Motorists should expect flagged one-way alternating traffic and lane shifts at the rail crossing location along U.S. 2 between Gallison Hill Rd. and the traffic circle. Also expect nightwork from the evening of 08/22 into the morning of 08/23 for track alignment work.

Montpelier Berlin A bridge deck replacement project continues along U.S. 2 over the Winooski River at the Montpelier Berlin town line. Traffic is now directed over a temporary bridge. Motorists may encounter periods of one-way alternating traffic as crews work on approaches to the new bridge.

Montgomery A set of bridge deck replacements continues along VT 118. Motorists will encounter one-way alternating traffic controlled by flaggers during the day and temporary traffic signals during off-hours between West Hill Rd. and Bank St.

Moretown Middlesex A resurfacing project continues along U.S. 2. Motorists can expect one-way alternating traffic in the area as crews work on guardrail, berm removal, and ditching and continue paving operations.

Newfane The Depot Rd. Arch Bridge over Rock River is closed through Fall 2022. Traffic will be rerouted from the north via Grimes Hill Rd. and from the south via VT 30. Through traffic is not permitted. Grimes Hill Rd. and Dover Rd. (at the intersection with Depot Rd.) are reduced to one lane with signals for the duration of the closure.

North Hero Grand IsleDrawbridge construction continues along U.S. 2. A speed reduction remains in place. Mariners: The seasonal operating schedule for the drawbridge is in effect.

Pittsford Brandon Paving work continues on U.S. 7 with one-way alternating traffic patterns in effect. Multiple work zones will be established as needed. A rolling closure may be implemented toward the end of the week for shoulder material placement operations. Expect delays.

Richford A bridge replacement project is underway along VT 105 approx. one mile south of the intersection of Main St. and River St. Motorists should see little impact to traffic.

A separate culvert replacement project is also underway on VT 105 approx. one mile south of Nickson Rd. Motorists will continue to use a traffic patten shift with signals directing alternating one-lane traffic through a temporary bypass. A speed reduction to 35 mph is in effect.

Richmond Bolton A resurfacing project continues along U.S. 2. Crews will work on roadway excavation and paving on the east end of the project during the day, with drainage and slope work on the west end of the project, Monday Thursday nights from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. Motorists will encounter areas of one-way alternating traffic in most construction zones.

Ripton A streambank stabilization project continues on VT 125. Lane closures regulated by temporary traffic signals are in operation at one location within the project area. Please expect delays. Lane restrictions of 10-feet wide within closure areas.

South Hero An intersection improvement project is underway at U.S. 2 and VT 314. Motorists should expect intermittent lane closures with alternating one-way traffic at the intersection of VT 314 and U.S. 2 between 6:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.

Stockbridge Rochester A resurfacing project continues along VT 100 starting near its intersection with VT 107. Motorists should expect areas of one-way alternating traffic and some delays as crews begin milling operations on 08/24 starting on the south end of the project progressing north.

WillistonIntersection Projects Laneshifts are in effect near the intersection of U.S. 2 and Industrial Ave. for an intersection improvement project. Industrial Ave. will be closed to through traffic from 7 p.m. 6 a.m., Tuesday Friday. Motorists will follow a signed detour utilizing U.S. 2 and VT 2A.

Travelers can also expect a lane closure in the northbound right lane on VT 2A from Hurricane Lane to Taft Corners between 9 a.m. 3 p.m., Monday through Friday for a separate intersection project. Please expect delays.

Williston Park and Ride Construction of a new park and ride facility is underway along VT 2A near the I-89 Exit 12 interchange. Alternating traffic on VT 2A is possible throughout the week between 9 a.m. 4 p.m. Minimal delays expected.

Wilmington Brattleboro A resurfacing project continues on VT 9. Motorists can expect alternating one-way traffic as crews pave the base course in Marlboro to Wilmington, continue guardrail work in Brattleboro towards Marlboro, and conduct shoulder and culvert clean-up activities.

Winooski A roadway project continues along VT 15 (East Allen St.). Motorists will encounter one-way alternating traffic during nighttime operations, 7 p.m. 6 a.m., Sunday Thursday. Please expect delays.

Woodford A ledge stabilization project is underway on VT 9. Intermittent traffic holds are anticipated throughout the week, including Saturdays. A 15-minute hold is planned for Tuesday, 08/23 between 10 a.m. 2 p.m. for blasting operations. Longer delays may occur. Eastbound traffic is reduced to one lane; a lane shift for westbound traffic will be in place through November. Motorists are urged to lower speeds when coming down the hill into the project area. A speed reduction to 40 mph is in place.

Vermont Agency of

AOT Road Construction Report Week of August 22 - Vermont Biz

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August 20, 2022 at 2:41 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Driveway Paving