Highlights from the Sebring Council meeting on March 9:

INSURANCE: Dave Anderson explained the Public Entities of Ohio, Joint Self-Insurance Pool to Council. Henoted that the Village would save $2,300 a month with this pool insurance and the Village would retain its current insurance agent. Mr. Haney also noted that on top of saving money thecoverage has increased.

FIRE: Fire Chief Mike Springer updated Council on steps taken in reference to dilapidated buildings in the Village. Thestandard process once all required steps have been taken is for the Village to demolish thestructures and then access the taxes for the money. The entire process takesapproximately 60 days.He is interviewing for new firemen.Springer also asked permission to hold Chief Don Fryfogles spot open until he retires. With no objection from Council this would be probably for a year.He will be sending personnel to train on the fire mobile cad system. Chief Harris statedthey currently have the cad system but would be sending dispatchers to school in June.

MANAGER:Manager Jack Haney reported the Ohio Water Development Authority (OWDA) approved the loan for the generatorand West Texas Tank Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $1,290,090.50. This meanswe can go forward with approving the contract.The Village offices have a new cleaning company and have started some deep cleaningsince the last meeting.He has spoken with several residents about the alleys. We have received the stone toaddress their concerns.Has an article ready to send to the paper explaining the water rates. In addition tosending this to the newspaper it will be posted on the Village website.He is watching the information on the coronavirus and has been making sure the buildinghas been getting extra attention to the door knobs, counters, phones. Cuyahoga Countyis reporting three cases at this time. A call center has been set up by the HealthDepartment.Attended the Ohio City Managers conference last week. One of the sessions was withthe State Fire Marshall. Information will be shared with our Fire Chief. He also madesome contacts with managers who might be interested in working for the Village.Looking into CDBG funds for stormwater and sidewalk projects.Crine asked about the Village wide clean up. Mr. Haney had no further updates at this time, butwould have some for the next meeting.

Report of other Village Officials:

Service Director Bill Sanor reported they are waiting on the weather to work on the alleys and get the gravel in. They are continuing to read meters. The street sweeper is down and in the shop. The quote received was over $15,000 to repair.

Police Chief Ray Harris reported after Officer Scott resigned, the department is down twoofficers, one full-time and one part-time. He is doing interviews. The Civil Service listhas one qualified candidate and that officer will take the position. Another test will be conducted.He has interviewed three people for the part-time position and will be offering theposition to one of them. There werethree no knock search warrants served after months of preparation. There are more tocome.The CAD system has been almost two years coming. This was free from the countyhowever there are other options available to the Village for a fee.

Attorney Gary Van Brocklin reported he helped Village Clerk Cindy draft legislation for tonights agenda; met with attorneys representing both parties in the settlement with Smith Township andwould update Council in executive session tonight; and he would also address the contract with Beloit in reference to water in executive session.

Finance Director Chris Zion reported the note to Farmers National Bank has beenpaid off. This was discussed at the last meeting.Mayor Harp asked if he was still creating the hours worked report. Mr. Zion said no, itwas too time consuming. Aberegg noted that if there was any discrepancy, he had faith inthe City Manager or Department Head to address it.

Ordinances and Resolutions approved:

An ordinance authorizing the Village of Sebring to join the Public Entities Pool of Ohio, a joint self-insurance pool and declaring an emergency.

An ordinance accepting the premiums for various automobile, liability and property insurance coverages proposed by the Public Entities Pool of Ohio, through USI Insurance services, for the Village of Sebring, Ohio and declaring an emergency.

An ordinance to adopt an employee dishonesty and faithful performance of duty policy and declaring an emergency.Mr. Haney explained that this needed passed for the new insurance. Instead of individual bondswe would now have a blanket bond for coverage. The coverage would not be by person but byposition.Attorney Van Brocklin stated that we need to adopt this policy in order to do away with theindividual bonds.

An ordinance accepting the bid of Zenith Systems LLC for the water treatment plant generator replacement, and declaring an emergency.Haney explained that these projects were held up until the loan was approved by OWDA.Engineering was done by Quicksall. In addition, these projects should not create any disruptionof City services.

An ordinance accepting the bid of Utility Services Company Inc. for the West Texas Avenue and rehabilitation, and declaring an emergency.

An ordinance amending the current year appropriations for the Waterworks System Fund as established in Ordinance 24-2019, the appropriations ordinance of the Village of Sebring for the year 2020, and declaring an emergency.Finance Director Zion explained that in December when the budget was done it was unknown ifwe would get the loan therefore, we could not put this appropriation in the budget. This willincrease the fund for the two contracts.

An ordinance creating Section 147.10 of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Sebring to establish legal holidays.

Council went into executive session to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, orcompensation of a public employee or official specifically to discuss the Smith Townshipsettlement and Beloit water contract.

Other Action:

Bills were paid from Feb. 1 -29 totaling $321,000.11.

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Sebring moving forward on demolition program - News - The Review - The-review

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