Neighborhood activists trying to slow the pace of residential demolitions have formed a new organization, launched an online petition, and set a meeting to finalize a series of policy changes to be presented to the City Council.

The steps were taken at a Demolition Summit held on Monday evening. Around 70 people from 17 neighborhood associations attended the meeting, which took place Sept. 30 at Grant Park Church in Northeast Portland.

"I was very pleased with the turnout and the enthusiasm for moving forward. There was a lot of positive energy," says Al Ellis, one of the organizers and a former president of the Beaumont-Wilshire Neighborhood


During the meeting, the group adopted the name United Neighbors for Reform. While the current focus in on demolition and infill development projects, it may work on other issues in the future.

The group also approved a two-track approach to changing city policies regarding residential demolitions and infill projects.

First, it authorized an online petition supporting current efforts by the Development Review Advisory Committee of the Bureau of Development Service to address some of the issues. A DRAC subcommittee is looking at possible changes in city policies regarding public notification of pending demolitions, compliance with state rules regarding the handling of potential toxic materials, demolitions classified as remodeling projects, and demolition delays to allow neighbors to explore options for preserving properties.

At the meeting, the activists said they also want the city to encourage the deconstruction of houses instead of demolition. Deconstruction allows more building materials to be recycled and reduces debris going into landfills.

Ellis says those at the meetings were pleased that the subcommittee is addressing many of their issues.

"That's been a pleasant surprise," says Ellis. "I think it's a sign that City Hall realizes this is not just a handful of people complaining about something happening in their neighborhoods."

Originally posted here:
Residential demolition changes urged at neighborhood summit

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October 1, 2014 at 12:57 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Demolition