Progressive House Democrats on Tuesday called on Secretary of State Mike PompeoMichael (Mike) Richard PompeoTrump senior advisers dissuaded president from military strike on Iran: report Trump national security adviser vows 'professional transition' of power With Biden, a Saudi reboot MORE to condemn Israels demolition of a rural Beduin community, a move that displaced dozens of people, including children, in the Jordan Valley of the West Bank.

In a letter to the secretary, 40 House Democrats called on Pompeo to push the Israeli government to halt any further demolitions and accused Israel of creeping annexation, violating international law and a grave humanitarian issue.

Creeping annexation cannot be a policy that the U.S. government supports if we wish to see peace in the region, the letter, which was led by Rep. Mark PocanMark William PocanHouse launches new COVID-19 testing program Top contender for Biden Defense chief would be historic pick Overnight Defense: 5 US service members killed in international peacekeeping helicopter crash in Egypt | Progressives warn Biden against Defense nominee with contractor ties | Trump executive order to ban investment in Chinese military-linked companies MORE (D-Wisc.), co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC), read.

It is imperative that in your waning two months in office human rights violations, and violations of international law, continue to be forcefully rejected by the American government. It is the only way that a peaceful, comprehensive solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can be achieved.

Signatories includedCPC co-chair Rep. Pramila JayapalPramila JayapalProgressive House Democrats to host health care strategy session Progressives unveil Biden Cabinet wish list Intercept bureau chief: Pelosi should focus on Georgia special elections amid 'absurd' fighting among Democrats MORE (D-Wash.); Rep. Rashida TlaibRashida Harbi TlaibThe Hill's Morning Report - Presented by UAE - US records 1 million COVID-19 cases in a week; governors crack down Pelosi faces caucus divisions in Biden era Ocasio-Cortez tweets displeasure of Manchin after he attacks 'crazy socialist agenda' MORE (D-Mich.), the first Palestinian-American woman of Congress;and Rep. Joaquin CastroJoaquin CastroDozens of progressive groups endorse Joaquin Castro for Foreign Affairs chair Castro pledges to term limit himself if elected Foreign Affairs chair Former DNC finance chairman Henry Muoz: Latinos 'need to lead ourselves' MORE (D-Texas), who is running for chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

The letter is in response to Israels Nov. 3 demolition of nearly all of the structures that made up the Beduin community of Khierbet Humsah, including more than 100 tents and sheds that served as living space, cooking space,storage quarters, livestock pens, water containers and solar panels, according to human rights groups.

The demolition displaced 74 people including 41 children, the rights groups said.

The action drew further outrage from the United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, which said it was the largest single demolition by Israel of the last decade.

Israel has this year demolished nearly 700 hundred structures belonging to Palestinians and Beduins, nomadic Arabs that identify as Palestinian, thatofficialssay are illegally built in Area C of the West Bank, which under the Oslo Accords falls under Israeli civil and military administration. But Palestinians and human rights groups say it is nearly impossible to attain building permits that would legalize such structures and allow them to update, build or expand their homes.

The Israeli government defended its demolition of Khierbet Humsah, describing it as an enforcement activity carried out against seven tents and eight animal pens that were illegally constructed in a firing range in the Jordan Valley used by the Israel Defense Forces, the Times of Israel reported.

The letter comes ahead of Pompeos trip to Israel this week, where he is expected to visit the Israeli settlement of Psagot in the West Bank, marking the first such visit by a secretary of State to territory considered by the international community as illegally occupied by Israel.

The Trump administration in November 2019 reversed State Department policy that viewed Israeli settlements as illegal.

Pocan, in a statement, called Pompeos planned visit to Psagot unprecedented and disgraceful.

He further accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyhau of using the U.S. election to cover up gross human rights atrocities and of threatening a two-state solution to the Israeli and Palestinian conflict. The congressional Democratalleged the demolition amounted to a defacto annexation of Palestinian land.

Netanyhau had agreed to suspend plans for annexation in exchange for opening diplomatic relations with the United Arab Emirates and brokered by the U.S. as the Abraham Accords.

Destroying homes and displacing 41 Palestinian children demonstrates a clear act of aggression by the state of Israel and is intentionally oppositional to securing peace or a two-state solution in the region, Pocan said in a statement. There is no excuse for the de facto annexation of Palestinian land, and America cannot remain silent in the face of these human rights abuses any longer.

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Progressive Democrats call on Pompeo to condemn Israeli demolition of Beduin village | TheHill - The Hill

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November 18, 2020 at 3:58 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Demolition