Frankston Scout Hall Demolition GoPro
Frankston Scout Hall Demolition filmed with GoPro and Nikon D3s Justin from Wheelan the Wreckers kindly allowed me to attach the GoPro to his wrecking machine. Samuel Sherlock Hall was a single-storey red-brick building with a gabled corrugated iron clad roof and flat roofed entry porch. It had a relatively austere parapeted facade divided into three bays by capped brick pilasters. The hall was subject to a number of alterations including the bricking up of the entry porch doors and the window openings on the west elevation. All the windows on the east elevation were replaced and there was a disabled access ramp to this side. There are also substantial modern additions to the rear. This was demolished on Janruary 31, 2013 to make way for the new Frankston Aquatic Centre.

By: Mike Fletcher

See the article here:
Frankston Scout Hall Demolition GoPro - Video

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February 9, 2013 at 7:55 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Demolition