WINDSOR LOCKS The demolition of the old Murphy terminal at Bradley International Airport is scheduled to begin this summer and cost $7.2 million more than originally budgeted, Connecticut Airport Authority Executive Director Kevin Dillon told the authority at Mondays meeting.

It will start in August, and its on an 18-month timeline to complete the demolition, Dillon said. You should start to see sections of the building starting to come down by the end of the year.

The project first will need a few months of site remediation to remove hazardous asbestos and lead, he said. What will add almost $7 million to the project cost is removing recently discovered cancer-causing PCBs in window and door caulking. The project cost will now be $19.6 million, funded by airport revenues.

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Read the original:
Demolition of Bradleys Murphy terminal to begin

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June 11, 2014 at 5:47 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Demolition