Demolition Mayhem Indiegogo Campaign video.wmv
We are raising funds for a new reality show about demolition derbies. Please view or video and our indiegogo,com campaign for more information. What it is: Are you tired of the reality shows on television like pawn shops, tow truck drivers, swamp treasure hunters, or southern redneck kids that are scripted for entertainment purposes? Well if you are, Demolition Mayhem is an unscripted weekly reality show on demolition derbies that we are going to start filming in mid-April. We want to bring this sport that is watched by many into the homes of millions more. Demolition derbies have been around since the early 1930 #39;s using worn out Model T #39;s, but have not received much television coverage. There has been a short documentary on the history of demolitions derbies, every once in a while you can catch a scene in a movie of one, and of course we cannot forget about the original demolition derby driver on television....the Fonz from Happy Days. We want to bring the thrills and chills of demolition derbies, the drivers who get behind the wheel, and the inner workings of selecting and building the cars that are used. Please help if you can to bring this real, unscripted reality show to television so everyone can enjoy a sport that is big, but does not get the recognition that it deserves. What makes ours different from others? First and foremost, our show will detail a driver #39;s journey from finding a car, building the car, and finally driving the car in a demolition derby, along ...

By: Robert Grandall

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February 12, 2013 at 12:52 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Demolition