After opening its e-commerce website to supply goods to mom-and-pop stores, the US retailer has launched an initiative to woo small businesses in India by helping their owners create state-of-the-art stores.

From the right fitting and fixtures for their stores to local market intelligence, members of Walmart's 20-store Best Price Modern Wholesale cash-and-carry chain are gaining know-how in modern store management from the Bentonville-based company's expertise in the retail business.

"Around 70% of our customers are re-sellers and we work closely with them to help them modernize the kirana shop. In some cases, when people want to get into the kirana trade, we help them set up the business. For instance, in Chhindwara in Madhya Pradesh, somebody wanted to set up a shop and we helped him set up the modern kirana by telling him how to do planograms, fixtures, layout of the store and why he need not keep too much of merchandise because he can come and pick up stock every second day from our stores," says Krish Iyer, CEO with Walmart India.

Walmart officials say that the retailer's efforts are paying rich dividends to its customers. For instance, after adopting Walmart's best practices, average sales of the mess in Era Medical College in Lucknow has jumped from Rs 15,000 in 2013 to Rs 7 lakh per month this year. Similarly, the South Indian mess at Jalandhar's Lovely Professional University has seen its monthly income increase to Rs 3.75 lakh from zero.

Arvind Singhal, chairman of retail consultancy firm Technopak, says that Walmart is following the footsteps of large FMCG companies. HUL boosted its sales with its Super Value Initiative, Marico with Mera and Dabur with Parivaar. All these companies helped local kirana storeowners deck up their stores in return for enhanced visibility of their own products. Coca-Cola and PepsiCo too have been involved in similar programmes across the country, especially in rural areas.

"It's a simple equation: By helping its customers improve their sales, Walmart is not only augmenting its own revenues, it is also getting these storeowners on board for the long run. Customer loyalty is king in India's wholesale market. And, when you take into account the sheer size of the stake that is involved, which is around $450 billion, it's a very smart move by Walmart," says Singhal.

Read more:
Walmart decks up kirana stores for larger India pie

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June 28, 2014 at 7:59 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Decks