We are now on to the second day of the March 2020 Ranked Season and we have seen the conclusion of the Mythic Point Challenge during the weekend to find out how Standard is progressing along. Thanks to the amazing community, the early Mythic decks of this season are being shared already! Be sure to follow us on Twitter for the latest updates and to share your decks with us.

If you want to have a look at the below decklists directly first, then use the below links:

Check out all Temur Adventures decklists!

You may have already seen thecorgibutts excellent deck guide on Jeskai Fires, but this time he has chosen arguably the best deck in the format currently Temur Adventures to rush to Mythic.

Check out all Rakdos Knights decklists!

Aggro decks are great to quickly climb the ladder as the games are generally faster. Snapconcede/modo here has chosen the trusty Rakdos Knights to achieve the task, despite the deck falling out of favor for Mono Red Aggro. The deck has better and bigger creatures overall, and Rotting Regisaur + Embercleave is still a deadly combo.


Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath

Cards 60

Check out all Sultai Ramp decklists!

Cardarelli used Bant Ramp to get a respectable record at the Mythic Point Challenge, and hes switched it up to Sultai for the initial ladder climb. He has made a few tweaks from Jaberwockis #1 decklist from the previous month.


Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath

Cards 60

Check out all Bant Ramp decklists!

Nissa, Who Shakes the World always finds a way to get into the metagame, as Crokeyzs Bant Ramp decklist is making its rounds as well.

Read more:
The First Mythic Decks of the March 2020 Ranked Season - MTG Arena Zone

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March 5, 2020 at 4:13 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Decks