SRS-Ninja Screencast
A short screen-cast demonstrating Hello prospective learners, and welcome to SRS-Ninja! I #39;ll quickly go through how the site works. You can search to find decks you would like to study. To learn more about a deck click here on the statistics icon. This page will tell you a little about the deck and list out all the cards available to study. To get started hit the "Study" button. This is multiple choice mode. Click on an answer and the screen will flash green or red depending if you were right or not, then move on to the next question. There is also hidden answer mode. To turn it on go to your account setting page by clicking your username. In this version first try to remember what is the answer to this question. After you #39;ve thought about it click on the question or "show answer" to reveal the answer. If you were right click on the green "O" if you were wrong hit the red "X." SRS-Ninja will remember how well you do and pick the cards from the deck that you need to study most. Now if you can #39;t find any decks you like, you can simply make one! Here you can give you deck a name, description, and as many cars as you like. The question goes in the first box (1+1) and the answer goes in the second box (2). You can add more questions by clicking "Add Another Question" and once you #39;re finished click on create deck and you #39;re done! All the decks you #39;ve made will appear in "Your Decks" here. All the decks from others that you #39;ve studied will appear on the ...From:foxumonViews:1 0ratingsTime:02:13More inMusic

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SRS-Ninja Screencast - Video

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December 21, 2012 at 4:50 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Decks