Princess Big Wheel
Get a great deal here out=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eamazon%2Ecom%2Fdp%2FB000GFJ78U Customer Reviews "THIS PRINCESS (FAIRY) BIG WHEEL WAS MET WITH SHEER DELIGHT BY OUR GRANDDAUGHTER. SHE IS 4 AND IT GIVES HER GREAT CONFIDENCE TO GO FAST AND SHE MASTERED STARTS AND STOPS ALMOST IMMEDIATELY. SHE ALWAYS HAS A GREAT SMILE WHEN RIDING AND LOVES TO GO ON LONG LONG RIDES ON OUR SIDEWALKS. HER DAD GETS A GREAT WORKOUT TOO AS HE RUNS ALONG SIDE. ITS JUST ABOUT 4 INCHES TO THE GROUND IF THERE IS A SPILL, BUT WITH THE GREAT WIDTH IT #39;S NOT LIKELY. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR SMALL DECKS AS IT TAKES UP MORE SPACE THAN IT LOOKS. LIGHT WEIGHT, SHE CAN MANAGE IT WELL. WE GOT INSTRUCTIONS IN SPANISH ONLY (OOPS) BUT STILL MANAGED TO GET IT TOGETHER WITH THE PICTURES. GREAT FUN FOR KIDS AND THE ADULTS THAT WALK/RUN BESIDE THEM. GET YOUR OWN PRINCESS STICKERS IF YOU DONT LIKE THE FAIRYS AND ADD TO THE DECOR BECAUSE THIS BIKE IS LOTS OF FUN." "We got this for my daughter #39;s 3rd birthday and it is her favorite thing ever. She can make it go so fast, so we usually have to take it to the park for her to ride it safely (our neighborhood does not have sidewalks) or I have to run beside her. She has a smile on her face the whole time she is on it. We have had for over a month and it has not gotten old, she still wants to ride it just as much as she when she first got it. It was easy to put together,[...]I think it is very much worth it! If I had known how ...From:gracie hassellViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:52More inSports

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November 14, 2012 at 5:53 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Decks