By Margaret Button, The Berkshire Eagle

On Monday, with the snow steadily piling up outside, I was a little perturbed to discover the laptop I had brought home with me from The Eagle on Friday wouldn't connect with the mother ship. After quite a few choice and unprintable words I decided to make the best of the situation.

When life and the gods of cyberspace give you an unexpected snow day right after Thanksgiving, it's time to decorate for Christmas. Fortunately, when my son and his fiancee were home for the holiday, he had brought all the decorations and the tree down from the attic. I put on some Christmas music and went to work.

I love taking out the ornaments each year. It's like seeing old friends. There are ornaments that belonged to my grandparents, some that belonged to my parents. There are ornaments I've carried back from trips to Jamaica, Mexico, Germany, Penn Dutch country and many other places. My mother's crocheted and tatted lace ornaments vie for space alongside the beaded ornaments made by my mother-in-law and fabric ornaments made by my aunt. There are ornaments made by my son at various ages and many moose ornaments given to me by family members and friends.

I didn't quite finish decorating the tree, as I also had some laundry to do, but it's looking good. I sat in the dark living room last night basking in the glow from the Christmas lights and the fire in the fireplace. While I sat there, I remembered a recipe for puff candy handed down from my grandmother and made a note to make some for the holidays.


Boil together until a few drops are very brittle when tried in cold water:

1 cup sugar

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1 cup molasses

3 tablespoons vinegar

1 large tablespoon butter

Remove from heat and add:

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 teaspoon baking soda

Blend together and immediately pour into a greased pan. Do NOT jar or disturb until the candy is cold. Break into pieces.

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Margaret Button: Deck the halls with memories, puff candy - Bennington Banner

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