Let #39;s Play MTGO - MrB #39;s Deck (PW) vs. Mono-Red (CK) in 100CS, 11 Dec. 2012
You can discuss this video or watch the rest of the series at http://www.mtgoacademy.com If you #39;d like to watch the rest of the series on Youtube, you can link to the playlist at http://www.youtube.com Chris Kuehl (ChrisKool online) is a semi-competitive Magic player and the COO of MTGO Academy. He was on the winning (community) team at the 2011 Community Cup. You can read his full Magic biography at http://www.mtgoacademy.com AJ Goldman (PlanetWalls online) is a student, a barely-semi-competitive Magic player, and the Content Manager of MTGO Academy. You can read his full Magic biography at http://www.mtgoacademy.com ****** MTGO Academy is the premier website for Magic: the Gathering Online information, tutorials, news, strategy, and entertainment. To read articles about Magic or to watch more videos like this one, you can visit our front page at http://www.mtgoacademy.com. If you #39;d like to see a searchable list of decks that have recently been popular and successful on Magic Online, check out our DeckTech tool at http If you #39;re interested in shopping for Magic Online single cards or special packs, visit our webstore at http://www.mtgoacademy.com or add our convenient bots named "Academy_Sellbot" and "Academy_Buybot" to your buddy list within the Magic Online program. Finally, feel free to like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com or follow us on Twitter @MTGOAcademy.From:MTGOacademyViews:3 0ratingsTime:44:41More inGaming

Let's Play MTGO - MrB's Deck (PW) vs. Mono-Red (CK) in 100CS, 11 Dec. 2012 - Video

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Category: Decks