Great Nature School Hunter Leopald Deck / Crit build [Cardfight Vanguard]
This is an overview of a great nature deck with the focus on School Hunter Leo-Pald. I only show you which cards are very useful. The rest is very good to be customized by you. Feel free to comment and discuss about the new GN-support [Polaris], this and other GN-Decks. +Explaining why crits work so well with Leo-Pald. Decklist: G0: Starter Acorn Master or Flask Mamorset if u play with 4 Leopalds + Polaris / Bison 4xDraw / 6xDraw when BT10 releases 8x Crit / 6crit with BT10 G1: 14-15 4x Stamp Sea Otter 4x Hammsuke / Elemental Glider 4x Cable Sheep Perfect Guard 2-3x Monoculus Tiger G2: 10-11 4x Geograph Giant / Vanilla 10k 4x Binoculus Tiger 2x Globe Armadillo 10k intercepter / or offensive 2x Lamp Carmel G3: 8 4x School Hunter Leo-Pald 4x Magnet Crocodile / Twin Fighter Polaris/ BisonFrom:VanguardTrainerViews:4 0ratingsTime:07:45More inGaming

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Great Nature School Hunter Leopald Deck / Crit build [Cardfight Vanguard] - Video

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December 6, 2012 at 5:54 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Decks